Chapter 16

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3rd Person POV
They arrived on their next planet: Planet Caverna. A cave-like planet that is filled with strange carvings on the walls and stones that shine with light. Some were intrigued by the sight, but others were a bit skeptical.

"To be honest, this place kinda gives me the creeps..." (Y/N) whimpered. "You're telling me," Ash said, also shaking in fear a bit. Eve starts patting (Y/N) on the head to comfort her.

'Normally, the shiny stones are doing alright, but for me, it's not enough,' she thought. Luckily, in front of them, there stood a pedestal with a flag that resembles the Friend Star.

"Finally! A better lighting!" The (H/C)-haired girl exclaimed as she got on it. The rest of them got on the star as well, and the star flew them to where the Jamba Heart might have escaped to: the moon.


As they all flew across the moon, they were able to track down the Jamba Heart. However, it escaped from their sights to another planet once again.

Before they were able to continue onward, they heard rumbling. It was loud enough that the ground beneath them started to shake a little.

"Huh?! What was that?!" Dedede shouted in shock. They all saw who was stomping towards them. Grand Maam.

"Oh. It's that big ol' hag again," Dedede groaned. The big armored woman was furious by his comment and becomes more aggressive than she was before.

(Y/N) begins shooting stars at her to deal damage, but there is no effect on her. The stars bounced off her armor. Grand Maam started to throw a punch, which they successfully dodged.

"Fiddlesticks! It's not working!" (Y/N) worries. Kirby got in front of her and tried shooting fiery stars at her, but still, no damage was dealt. (Y/N) is in a state of panic of what they should do. Luckily, a bomb hanging on a string appeared before them. Meta Knight has an idea.

"Of course. The bomb. We can use that to break the armor," he explained. They all nodded and let Meta Knight take the lead. He then shot out a blade-like star at the rope of the bomb, making the bomb itself fall on the ground.

"Now, Kirby!" (Y/N) commanded. Kirby nodded as he got in front, and began to light up the bomb with a fiery star. Then, the bomb detonates, breaking Grand Maam's armor in the process.

"Now!!" Eve shouted. Everyone started firing a flurry of stars at the huge enemy before them, spelling her defeat.

"The Jamba Heart must have gone to the next planet. We gotta hurry!" Goh said. They then flew to the next planet, Planet Frostak, hoping to catch the Jamba Heart there. However, little did they know that there is a familiar enemy waiting to stop them in their tracks.

To be continued...

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