Chapter 5

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Here we are. King Dedede's throne room. We see a bunch of Waddle Dees trying to stack up the food in one big pile. Some of them must have been rotten. Ewww. Then, there's this big, blue penguin guy chowing it all down like a hungry wolf. I think it must be King Dedede.

"Your majesty!" Bandana Dee shouted at the king who is still eating. He then stopped and turned around to look at us with purple eyes filled with rage.

"Well, well, well. If it ain't Bandana Dee. Still haven't learned your lesson, haven't ya?" He growled at Bandana Dee. The little Waddle Dee shivered in fear a bit.

"N-No, Sire! I'm just--." Before Bandana Dee could finish, King Dedede looked at Kirby in even more anger.

"Kirby!! So, you really thought you had the nerve to bring some friends along with ya and stomp up to me?!" He shouted. He then took out his wooden hammer as if he's ready to crush us.

"Then, I hope y'all are ready for a Triple D-style clobberin'!" He roared at all of us. We all started to get ready for the fight with the King.

Dedede ran up to us for the tackle, but we dodged just in time. He went to tackle Plugg and Sir Kibble, who were on the right, but they dodged it. We took that as our chance to attack while he's distracted.

However, just when we thought we had him on the ropes, he got up and started becoming even more angry. Dark energy started to surround him, and he started to grow. Even his muscles, which ripped off his sleeves and a bit of his shirt.

 Even his muscles, which ripped off his sleeves and a bit of his shirt

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"This is the end of y'all!" He roared. We all started to go in for the attack, but he jumped up and produced a very strong and loud thud.

He then started swinging his huge fists at us. While avoiding his attacks, we tried to bring him any faraway attacks we could muster, but he crushed the throne room's floor with both of his fists, making us all fall down to a lower floor.

After we all landed, the King started climbing up the pillars and threw rotten food at us. Geez. Talk about nasty.

We all tried to throw any attacks we could while he's above us, but then again, he smashed this floors ground, sending us to a floor below it.

While we're down another floor, he started attacking by spinning around downwards using the two pillars like a monkey. Once he's finished with the second pillar, he finished by slamming the floor down with his arms, but not strong enough to destroy the floor. In fact, his fists were stuck.

This was my chance. I started to cast a new spell, "Thunder Net!" A wave of lightning launched at Dedede, electrocuting him, which made him fall in defeat.

 I started to cast a new spell, "Thunder Net!" A wave of lightning launched at Dedede, electrocuting him, which made him fall in defeat

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And just like with the faced tree, the dark heart sprung out of him, causing him to shrink back to normal, making him faint.

3rd Person POV
"Ugh... Where am I? What happened?" King Dedede groaned. Bandana Dee started to burst tears of joy.

"Your highness! You're back to normal!" Bandana Dee said as he embraced the king. Dedede himself was confused.

"Huh? 'Back to normal?' What'chu mean?" The king asked. (Y/N) walked up to him, trying to explain the entire situation.

"Oh, I get it now. That explains why the whole castle's a mess. Oh, well. Pretty sure it'll take while to clean up," he replied. The Waddle Dee nodded.

(Cue the (optional) victory dance)

Suddenly, the dark heart that sprung out of King Dedede started floating away to another location.

"It's getting away! Let's go after it, Kirby!" The (H/C) girl said. "Poyo! Poyo!" Kirby replied in agreement as they gave chase to the ominous heart, but they suddenly stopped when Dedede called out to them.

"Hey! Hol' on, now!" He said. "Bandana Dee. Make sure you take care o' the castle, a'ight? I'm 'bout to show those fools wha' happens when they tryna make a fool outta Triple D," he said to the Waddle Dee.

"Of course, your majesty," Bandana Dee replied. "Kirby! Kid!" he called out to Kirby and (Y/N). "You don' mind havin' a extra hand, do ya?" (Y/N) nodded as they all sprinted to the dark heart, leaving Bandana Dee behind with the cleanup.

To be continued

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