Chapter 3

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3rd Person POV
As the duo made their way, the (H/C) haired girl looked at the pink puffball with a curious look.

"Say, do you know where the mob is going?" She asked him.

"Poyo, poyo," he said as he pointed at a castle resting on a faraway hill. As (Y/N) looked at the castle, she came to a realization that she could get a lead of Dreamland's problem by heading there.

"Makes sense...," she says. "Anyways, Kirby, lead the way!"

"Poyo!" Kirby exclaimed as he went ahead with (Y/N) following him.


As they journey forward, a petite green knight carrying a sword appeared before them. Kirby took that as his que to inhale the knight. Once he absorbed the enemy, he swallowed him, and his appearance changed. He his now wearing a green conic cap with a yellow cotton ball at the point and carrying a sword.

(Y/N) was amazed by Kirby's sudden transformation. Kirby then signaled her to keep following him. And she did.

The duo kept journeying ahead until they were stopped by an aggressive Poppy Bros Jr. Kirby panicked, trying to figure out what to do. (Y/N), however, readied her staff, preparing to battle against the aggressive enemy. Just then, a large pink heart appeared in (Y/N)'s hands.

Not (Y/N) nor Kirby were expecting this sort of outcome. However, (Y/N) tossed it at Poppy Bros Jr., which turned him from an enemy to an unexpected ally. He went up to both of them and gave each of them a hug.

(Y/N)'s POV
Wow. To think that I would use the pink hearts to turn foes into friends. It's... so awesome! I bet Kirby has that power to since one of the pink hearts landed on him. We kept moving onwards, with Poppy Bros Jr. at our side.


As we moved forward, we even made two more friends: a green knight with the same hat as Kirby, and a cute red guy with fire on his head. It's starting to feel like a party over here!

While we keep moving forward to the castle, we've encountered a huge tree with a face on him. I tried talking to him.

"Excuse me, um, is the castle on a huge hill that way?" I asked. But as soon as I spoke, the tree started getting aggressive. It looks like it doesn't like us very much. Nevertheless, I readied my staff to work my magic as the other prepared themselves for a rumble with the tree.

As Kirby and co. charged ahead, I swung my staff in making a circle. Then, a magic circle appeared in front of me as I took aim at the angry tree. I then shouted out the spell, "Star Bubble!", and a light purple orb with a star on it shot at the tree, dealing damage. As that happens, Kirby raised his sword, and then the fire guy breathed fire at it, which LIT HIS SWORD ON FIRE?! Kirby then started swinging his fiery sword at the angry tree, and the others started attacking as well.

The tree started getting angrier. Why? Because of the dark aura surrounding him. He SOMEHOW jumped to another location and grew a little bigger. Then, he started shaking and huge apples started falling down on us from his branches.

"Everyone! Come here!" I shouted at the trio. They all came rushing to me as I started casting a spell. I swung my staff, shouting, "Iron Blossom!" as a crystal-like barrier started forming around us, shielding us against the huge apples.

I held my staff up to help the barrier hold, but the barrier started to crack. There were too many apples falling down on us. Luckily, just before the barrier began to break, the apple barrage stopped.

Just after the belarrier broke, Kirby swung his fire-engulfed sword at my staff. The staff started shining, and a fire symbol appeared on it. Then, a change occurred to my clothes as well. The navy blue that was on my outfit now became a bright red.

I then realized that I can cast fire magic now that Kirby shared his fire power with me. I swung my staff a casted a spell, "Orbital Flame!", and shot out a fireball at the tree to deal the finishing blow.

After being damaged by our attacks, the ominous heart from earlier came out of the faced tree, and the tree started crying

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After being damaged by our attacks, the ominous heart from earlier came out of the faced tree, and the tree started crying. Maybe the tree was FORCED to be angry at us. To be honest, I kinda feel like a jerk for hurting him.

Then, a magic book appeared right in front of me, and flipped to a bookmarked page on its own. I read it for a bit, and saw that there's a healing spell I can cast. So, I held up my wand at the crying tree and said the spell, "Heart Healing."

Warm light started surrounding the tree, relieving him of the wounds from our battle

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Warm light started surrounding the tree, relieving him of the wounds from our battle. Then, he stopped crying and started smiling. He even started dropping food on us. I guess this is his way of saying sorry, and thank you. I ate a cookie that I somehow caught, while Kirby and the other were eating some other foods.

(You guys can add in the victory dance if you want)

Just then, the dark heart that possessed the tree flew away, and it was heading to the castle. All 5 of us chased after it, hoping we can find our answers soon.

Dimension Crisis (?!) (Video Game Crossover × Fem!Magical Girl!Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu