Chapter 10

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(Y/N)'s POV
As we went inside the fortress, the whole place was filled to the brim with a lot of dark energy. Well, more dark energy than one dark heart by itself.

"Man. This place gives me the creeps," Ash said, cringing from the eerie aura from this place.

"Maybe so, but we mustn't let down our guard," Meta Knight informed. "As ominous as this place is, we could use it as our clue to figure out where the hearts come from and who is responsible for their creation."

We all nodded at him. Eve suddenly wiggled out of my arms and started to fly on her own.

"Wait a sec. You can fly?!" I exclaimed. Eve started giggling. "Yep! You don't have to hold me, Mama. I'll be okay!" She said.

To be honest, I still can't understand how she can fly without wings and so soon, too. But in the meantime, I'll just let it slide.


We all arrived at a huge door, which seemed to be locked shut, completely tight. But then, Meta Knight starts becoming wary.

"Someone's coming, and it's two of them. Be on your guard, everyone," he says. We start getting ready for the battle. Then, just as Meta Knight predicted, two guards appeared in front of the gate.

One of them is a raccoon, and the other is a fox. They both seem to be wearing armor, and they don't look like the types to let us through easily. So, without further ado, we readied ourselves for the fight.

As we initiated the attack, the guards start running around the place with their little me's. We started to attack them, along with the little me's walking around.

Then, once we damaged them enough, they got angrier, like "enough is enough" angrier. Not only did the guards and their mini me's start walking around faster, but one of them started dropping bombs of elemental magic?!

We moved away from them before they were able to detonate. Then, Eve started to float up to the big ones that were about to run at us to crash.

"Eve! What are you doing?! It's not safe!" I shouted at her, but she didn't listen. She started to take a huge breath and breathed out light energy to stun them. She then turned to me and said, "Now, Mama!"

I nodded and ran up to them both with my staff glowing. I swung my staff at them like a baseball bat and shouted, "Lovely Crash!"

They both started to bounce all over the place like pinballs after I hit them, and they crashed into each other, breaking their armor in the process.

Kirby then tapped my leg, and started speaking to me. "Poyo, poyo. Poyo," he said. To be honest, I don't really get what he's saying, but somehow, Eve does.

"I think he's telling you to help them. They don't look like bad guys," she said. That was really unexpected, but I nodded, and used Heart Healing to heal them up.

Once they healed up, they started to break the seal on the door, allowing the door to open.

(Victory dance)

This was our chance to go inside. We went through the door, continuing to find answers to the mystery.

(Sorry if it was rushed)

Dimension Crisis (?!) (Video Game Crossover × Fem!Magical Girl!Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя