Chapter 12

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(Y/N)'s POV
As we keep on going deeper in Jambastion, we encounter another pedestal. This time, the flag represents some kind of train.

"Let's try it," I suggested. The others nodded, and we all got on the pedestal. Then, we all form a line with me in the very front. I guess we could call this the Friend Train.

Then, the moment we all start running, we were moving faster than we expected. We were moving like some kind of bullet train. We even jumped over cliffs, too. Eve was holding on to me for dear life.

"Mama! Why are we moving so fast?!" She shouted, still gripping on to me. "I don't know, but it won't even let me stop, even if I tried to!" I replied a little scared.

Luckily, we were able to come to a stop, thanks to bumping into a durable wall. It was kinda unexpected, but hey, at least we stopped.


We went deeper inside, trying to look out for the Jamba Heart. And, luckily, we found it. Suddenly, we heard a voice that was calling for us.

"HEY! YOU! Stupid wannabe mage and dumb pink ball!" The voice roared. Then, the Jamba Heart that was above us was snatched by an angry girl with red hair. I'm assuming she was the one shouting at us.

"YES, YOU! You were the ones who hurt poor Francisca, aren't you?! Don't even try to deny it!!" She yelled. Yeesh... Talk about a bad attitude... Even Eve was annoyed by her rage.

"Look, can you, just, calm down, please?" I said. But she refused. She just kept yelling at us like we broke her cookie jar while running around and stuff. Tch...

"COWARDS! FIENDS! If you ever lay a finger on her, I swear you'll burn for it! JAMBLASTED! Now, you'll have to face Flamberge, and that's ME!!" She shrieked as she pulled out her fire-lit sword. Well, time to put this short-tempered brat in timeout.

Flamberge starts swinging her sword at, but this time, it was different from Francisca. It was swift.

I start throwing a bunch of Star Bubbles at her, Dedede and Meta Knight try to attack her at places where her guard is dropped, Kirby began reaching her with his staff, and Pikachu and Eve started blasting oodles of magic and lighting.

This angered Flamberge a lot more. A WHOLE lot more, even angrier than her sister. This made her pull out... a cannon?!

"You all worked up my last nerve," she growled. "AND IT'S ABOUT TIME YOU PAY THE PRICE!" Her cannon then started charging up, preparing to fire.

Luckily, though, we all flew up before it was ready to fire with me casting Pure Flight on Ash, Goh, and Pikachu so that they'll be able to fly, too.

As soon as the cannon stops firing, Flamberge looks up to see us, making her even more infuriated than ever.

But before she was able to blow a gasket, we all unleashed an onslaught of attacks. That'll teach her to stop throwing a temper tantrum.

(Victory dance)

Then, just like last time, the Jamba Heart started floating, and Flamberge took off with it. What are these mage sisters even planning?!

To be continued...

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