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I twirled around as the next song began and Minho turned it louder. I grabbed a hold of Newt's hand and started dancing, completely joyful.

Clearly I had to much alcohol in my system, but who cared? Not like I had school or work tomorrow?

Newt twirled me around, laughing as he did. I took his left hand and placed my other hand on his shoulder. The upbeat music played perfectly as he and I danced around the fire.

Minho sat on a log, drinking, looking at us with a bright smile. Thomas and Teresa were both also dancing, on the other side of the fire.

Song after song we all danced, for hours. Everyone danced with someone. I danced many dances with Minho, a few with Newt and about three with Thomas. Teresa and I were mostly like glue, inseparable. She'd pull me away from the boys, pulling me around the heating fire.

After a few hours I was a bit exhausted. I fell down against the wall, holding the jar of sweetened poison in my hands. A laugh escaped my lips as I looked at Teresa and Thomas still dancing. They looked glued together, best friends- or even more...

Minho was laughing at them as Teresa fell over her own feet onto Thomas, causing both of them to tumble to the ground. I burst out laughing, trying hard not to spill anything from the jar, but truly it was hard.

Next to me, Newt eventually took the drink from my hands, seeing me clearly almost wasted. He knew if I had more, I'd regret it.

"One more song!" I said in excitement as I jumped up.

Newt laughed. "Sit down Waterlily, you're drunk. Come on."

I laughed, dancing towards Minho. "Put on a song and let's see if I know it," I said cheerfully as my feet spun my in circles around the fire.

Minho laughed, turning the music box's volume higher. He switched to another song, which I grew a bright grin to. He sat back down with a jar in his hands as he watched me trot around, dancing to the song.

If you look into the distance, there's a house upon the hill~ Guiding' like a lighthouse~ It's a place where you'll be safe to feel our grace~ Cause we've all made mistakes~ If you've lost your way~ I'll will leave a light on~

Newt smiled, watching me flow with the words of the song. I danced, sang, and laughed. I was happy. For someone who couldn't remember anything about their past, I surely knew I had a voice, and how to use it. Newt was enjoying this more than the others. He was confused as why he felt this way, but he couldn't help it. It was as if I had set a spell on him and dragged him with me into another reality.

"You should get her to bed," Thomas said as he sat down next to Newt.

"She's enjoying herself," Newt smiled, keeping his eyes on me as Teresa jumped up, dancing with me.

Thomas looked at him and smiled. "You'll see her tomorrow man. But she'll need rest."

Newt looked at him and frowned. "I know that. Why wouldn't I?" he asked sarcastically.

Thomas laughed. "Get her to bed."

Newt looked at me again, knowing if he didn't get me to bed sooner or later, I wouldn't get enough sleep before the constructions tomorrow.

"Yeah, you're right," he said as he pushed himself to a stand. He walked over to me, seeing me smile and spin. "Come on darling. It's time we head to bed."

I turned to him, laughing. "Come on! Nothing important is happening tomorrow, is there?"

Newt chuckled. "The reconstructions of the huts?" he said, making me sigh and grow a pout.

"Can't we delay it by a day?" I asked, walking towards him.

He laughed. "Come on, let's go."

I groaned, before turning to Teresa. "Bye-bye birdy," I said before turning back to Newt, walking forward.

I kept my eyes on the flow fire far ahead, where I noticed Gally and the other's head to their huts. Newt walked alongside me, being cautious for if I was about to trip or just fall in general. He made sure I found my way back to the huts, before helping me get into my hammock.

I groaned, looking at him. "I really like you," I mumbled, but clearly he heard me. "I really, really like you mister Newton."

Newt smiled. "You're drunk darling. Go to sleep."

I turned around, before mumbling, "Drunk words are sober thoughts."

A smile grew on his lips before he made his way outside. "Sober thoughts?" he thought out loud, before joining the others.

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