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I walked out, sitting down with the others as they ate breakfast.

"Hello," I smiled, looking as the boys' eyes fell on me.

"Frypan," someone said, reaching their hand out to me from across the table. I gladly shook his hand before looking at the others.

"Chuck," a young boy smiled, his curly hair standing in every direction.

I laughed, shaking his hand. We sat and ate, talking about the jobs of the glade and how they survived so long with the food storages and crops. Most of them were vegetarians, some even vegans.

I finished my food and collected the dishes, taking them to George who washed them. I went back to drawing the huts, finally figuring out the perfect structure for the food storage hut.

I rolled up the papers, placing them in a corner for when Winston wanted to see them again.

I headed out, wanting to just scroll through the glade and explore. I walked to the plantations, seeing everyone work. As I walked around, I noticed Thomas, Minho and a few others run back into the glade from the maze. I smiled, immediately walking over to them.

"How was it?" I asked, a smile on my lips.

Minho chuckled, looking at me. "Well, we ran around. I think Thomas made us get lost, but we made our way back," he said, making me laugh.

"I didn't make us get lost. You forgot which way we turned," Thomas said, jumping in defence.

"Yeah, says who?" Minho joked, making Thomas chuckle.

Suddenly Newt appeared, making me keep my eyes on Minho. "Anything new?" he asked, making Thomas look up.

"Not quite. Today was one of those days where the maze was simple and quiet," Thomas said, moving to stand next to Newt. "Nothing to report I guess?" he said, looking at me.

"Well, that's good news, right?" I asked, looking at Minho.

He smiled, looking at me. "I think so, yes," he said, making me give a satisfied smile.

"Hello Y/n," Newt said, catching my attention.
I looked at him and smiled, not actually saying anything. Behind him, I saw Winston enter the hut, making me immediately walk past Newt and towards the hut.

"She's hard to crack?" Newt said, looking as I disappeared into the hut. "The one moment she's happy, the next she ignores you. She's worse the Teresa!" he sighed, looking at Thomas.

Minho laughed, tightening his shoelaces. "She's a girl Newt. What did you expect? Her to be happy all the time?" he asked, sarcasm exiting his mouth. Newt scoffed, looking at the hut where I entered into.

I saw Winston look at my work, looking quite impressed. I walked up to him, standing across the table. He looked up at me, suddenly growing a smile.

"These are amazing, Greeny. We can start with the repairs tomorrow," he said, rolling the papers up again. "I have to tell you. You've been here one day, and you've done a lot more than most of us have in months. It's really amazing!" he said, a smile spreading further on his lips.

I smiled, taking the papers, and placing them in the corner again. "I'm glad you like them," I said, turning back to him. "Can I help with anything else?" I asked, giving Winston a smile.

"No, not really. You basically have the rest of the day off," he smiled before walking out of the hut. I sighed, feeling quite bored.

I know I was only here for barely a day, but I had so many questions and so many ideas. I decided to keep them to myself, better than to storm everyone with ideas.

I walked out of the hut and through the glade, looking at the boys working.

Thomas and Minho were sitting and talking under a tree near the huts. They were polishing some stuff and laughing.

Chuck and Winston were over at the growing grapes, picking them.

I scanned around more, seeing Frypan and Gally at the huts, George at the kitchens and a lot of others doing their jobs.

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