Date With Taiju~

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The seating inside this establishment was interesting, to say the least, usually, the interior of luxurious restaurants would have tables and chairs that faced each other probably so it was better to establish eye contact with your date, but not here.

Each section had its own round table with a half-moon sofa to sit at, which created a vibe of being inside some random downtown club. Sure there were instances where other restaurants had the same decor, but the atmosphere didn't help against the club allegations, considering the biggest light source came from the aquarium. Another problem was the windows draped with black curtains, making it impossible for any natural light to push its way inside. The only aspect that made it feel like an extravagant restaurant was the small candles at the table.

Taiju proceeded to take his seat right in the middle of the sofa, making it so much more confusing for me. Sitting on the edge made it feel so wrong. For a normal dinner with a family, I probably wouldn't have battled an eye, but for a date? It felt like such a weird seating arrangement would make it difficult to maintain any possible eye contact. As I was pondering about my options, this hunk of a guy clapped on the spot right beside him. My inability to choose on my own made me oblige with his request. Only when he wrapped his hand around my shoulder did I notice my mistake.

"Aren't you getting too comfortable? This is only the first date." I pointed out, but he didn't seem bothered.

"Does it mean there is a chance for a second date?" Where did all his confidence stem from? I abruptly turned my face to meet his, obviously irritated by the implication.

"Don't delusion yourself any further, I told you I accepted this date out of courtesy only." He dared to roll his eyes at me.

"Right I forgot the dress, while my head cook prepares our meals, I will guide you to my office so you can change." I was taken by surprise, as I had totally forgotten about our promise.

"So you decided to give your cook a free rein on our menu?" I questioned as he nodded his head.

"Then can I just make one request?" He gave me a look that said "Let's hear it".

"Can you ask the cook to not include any red meat in my dish? Something like fish would have been better in fact." Anything that wasn't over the top and had a more mild taste.

"I will relay your message to the cook while you change." Then he stood up and guided me to his office, where the outfit was waiting for me. The dress was short in a cherry red color with multiple thin straps, and there was a cute bow in the back. I was surprised at how good it looked as if it was picked with my taste in mind. But certainly not something Michi would have picked up previously, considering most of her dresses were long with sleeves.

"Did Mitsuya help you out?" Somehow I had a hard time believing something this cute could be picked by this guy.

"No, I just thought this would fit you... I even bought some jewelry and shoes to match the fit." Before I could comment on how unnecessary this all seemed, he abruptly left. It took me like ten minutes to change and once I walked out I saw Taiju standing beside the room entrance waiting for me.

"I got you some grape juice, considering you can't drink." Why grape juice specifically? So it could at least look like wine?

"Thanks." It's not like he meant any harm with it, so why not show some gratitude? As we walked back to our seats, there were two wine glasses already waiting for us, did he provide me one so I wouldn't feel excluded, or was this common practice at his establishment?

This time as I was about to plop my butt down, I got picked up like a child and placed on this guy's lap, I raised my brow seeking answers only to receive this comeback.

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