Party Preparations~

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On Saturday, Jun arrived at our doorstep rather early, there was still a solid six hours before the event would take place. He additionally came with a professional make-up artist and hair stylist in tow.

"And we need this service for what exactly?" I was still roaming around in my pj's while enjoying a cup of tea, he never warned us about this arrangement in advance.

"The party Michi! All those influential figures and celebrities are going to be there, why did you think I wanted you to invite me over so badly?"

"But the party begins at like 17 o'clock that's a lot of time if you ask me." I pointed out, why would he ask them to come this early in the day. Wouldn't preparations take at most one hour? I didn't want to sit for hours in my dress, just waiting for the estimated time.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... not only will those kind ladies prepare you for a relaxing bath, but they also need time to match the right colors, accessories, and hairstyles for the party, don't you think? And there are three of us." Sure did sound like a hassle.

"Can't I just go like usual?"

"No Michi you may not! Who knows maybe if you doll up for once, you may attract a fine rich guy."

"For what purpose do I need him for exactly?" I hardly needed to worry about my income, considering it was enough to hire out help.

"Aren't you dreaming of someday going into a store and not having to look at the price tags before purchasing the item?"

"Nope, I believe that would take the fun out of it. Ridiculous price tags are good for giving me additional time to wonder if I truly need the said item. However not having to worry about the cost of food at luxury buffets would be tempting indeed."

"Then maybe all you need is finding a chef, speaking of chefs Souya is one, hmmm," Senju spoke up after she entered the living room.

"Anyway I have a roof over my head, I don't need to worry about rent money, despite being on indefinite vacation right now, I have tasty food on the table and two best friends, why would I need a rich man to the collection?" Senju looked extremely pleased with my analogy.

"But you have to worry about your medical bills, they can start to pile up pretty fast." Jun pointed out, which made me understand his point, but to choose a spouse just based on their income didn't sit right with me. But taking note of his gaze, I soon acknowledged that this guy wouldn't let me off the hook so easily.

"Fine, fine. I will do it." I was the first in line for the bath, so I was asked about which scents I would prefer for it. After settling for something more citrusy, I go additionally instructed on how to wash my hair properly.

"Pain in the ass, I could have used this time more proactively." Instead, I was sitting in the tub feeling like one of the reincarnated noble ladies. I could be reading more of Michi's books to get to understand her character more.

Once I finished it was Senju's turn next, unlike me she wanted to smell like cherry blossoms, which fit her quite well. In the meantime, I was seated on one of our kitchen stools at the counter as the make-up artist girl tried to figure out which concealer and foundation would fit me.

The whole ordeal took at least four hours to finish, so we waited another hour and a half before it was time to depart, thankfully because of my widespread illness, with the invitation came a pre-booked parking spot at the venue.

Before we left the car, however, Jun spoke up.

"Senju you could totally grab this opportunity and befriend some celebrities in the branch you are interested in." I had no idea she wanted to become one, however taking into account the last timeline and her profession in there, it all made sense.

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