Hanma's Route~

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When we came back home from our little adventure, I decided to put some time into getting to know and researching the previous Michi better. Which could be achieved by just dwelling inside the books she has written over the past few years. Senju realized what I was doing once she passed by my room during the evening.

"I must say I haven't heard about any other writers that love rereading their own books as much as you do." I blinked in confusion. And here I thought she would pursue whole interrogation, once I was caught in the act. But thanks to her comment some mysterious bravado seeped through from under the cracks.

"What can I say, I'm a literal genius at writing." Which caused her to smile even more.

"That I can't refute." Was her response to my bold claims.

"Just make sure to not stay up too long." She pointed at my huge pile and then added.

"After all I can't have you missing taking the meds in the morning." I nodded my head, considering it wasn't anything I wished for either, just missing one day would bring me closer to death.

That very night I passed out surrounded by books on my bed.

Tuesday morning after breakfast I received a call from an unknown number, for the first few seconds of hearing the signal echo, I simply ogled the screen studying the new number on my screen. I was simply following my previous principles, which were to only answer a new number once they proved their resolve to reach me, by calling me twice. I wasn't ready to start a day by dealing with an everyday salesman that was ought to waste my precious time. Nevertheless, a flash of Hanma's depressed image came to mind, causing me to ask the following question.

"Would he give up after just one measly call?" Not fully grasping his mental state at the moment, I swiped the button, answering at the last second.

"Hello?" I spoke into the lure while wondering why I cared so much for this guy's well-being. Did I perhaps find him pitiful? Such thought made me realize that I knew nothing about his circumstances, for all I could have known, he was just searching for a friend, not a date.

"Hirabayashi Michi?" Just hearing this guy's hesitant voice, announced who I was dealing with.

"Yes, your sunshine is here... also you do sound a little bit unsure, were you expecting someone else to answer your call?" Considering I took the initiative, or more like the system did, why would he expect a different result?

"I dunno, maybe you wanted to play a prank on me? Or simply wanted me to scram because I was hogging your booth far too long?" Was it me or was this guy actually self-conscious? No wonder he was going off about his moonless sky, it truly felt like part of Hanma's character vanished together with his pal. Maybe I wasn't that far off when thinking he was only seeking a friend to talk with.

"Since you can hear my beautiful voice, ohh my self-proclaimed biggest fan, you can tell it wasn't the case." Such words caused him to chuckle, but I was at a loss for words. Was it okay for me to ask why he called? After all, I was the one who handed him my phone number, under certain pressure from the system, but still. I didn't want to be seen as someone with a fickle mind.

"I will keep this brief... I want to take you out on a date, so when do you have time?" Did I hear Hanma right? I was stunned into silence.

"Hello?" Suddenly I heard his voice taking me out of my trance. To my knowledge, I wasn't stuck in an otome game but the system's tricks made me suddenly believe otherwise because this popped up.

'Would you rather accept Hanma Shuji's date offer or call up Kawata Souya and cancel his date?' Why was the system suddenly asking me to choose between going to both of the dates or none at all?

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