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As soon as I woke up I took notice of two things, not only was Shuji beside me, watching me for who knows how long, but additionally I drooled on his pillow, I wiped it away with my arm before saying.

"You shall erase this from your memory."

"Only for a satisfactory prize." I stared him down, but this dude decided to put his hands around my torso.

"You must trust me a lot, to fall asleep so easily in my house. Have you been so sheltered in your life, that someone forgot to teach you that all guys are wolves?" Was he trying to scare me? Did he truly think me seeing him in such a bad light wouldn't just plummet his chances? I decided to flick his forehead for conveying such nonsense.

"Then that would also include you, mister, is your wish to only see me with my friend Senju in tow every time I'm meeting you?"

"Shit." Was the only thing I heard coming from his mouth before my attention was captured by my phone. I took the incoming call while trying to shoo away the clinging guy, yet he was stronger.

"Michi!" That's when this airhead decided to make questionable sounds so I smashed him with a pillow.

"Wait don't tell me you never came back from the party and decided to sleep over at someone's house." She sounded distressed.

"No of course not! I returned during the night. I even took my medications in the morning so you have nothing to worry about, it just happened that when I ventured outside to buy breakfast I came across this one annoying giraffe." After mentioning the nickname I stuck my tongue at Shuji.

"Oh great, you had me worried there for a second." Suddenly I heard some hesitation in her voice.

"Did you happen to see any deer in our apartment when you returned?" She had the evidence on her phone, so all I had to do was come up with a reasonable excuse.

"Yes, I even called some guys to escort it back to the forest... it sadly chewed on my dress... which became a past tense." I saw Shuji's brows rise in shock, because of how quiet it was, he probably heard the whole conversation.

"I swear I have no idea where it came from, did I see it from the window while being drunk and decided to let it inside?" It seemed like her memory was kind of blurry, which meant she couldn't recall opening the door for me.

"Well it doesn't matter, I took care of the situation so you don't need to overthink it. Instead, go buy yourself some hungover soup." We wrapped up the conversation.

"How come you didn't tell me any of this, that sounds hilarious!" He even sat up out of the sheer excitement.

"It escaped my mind..." Was he still planning on using me as a model or not?

"So about the model gig..." He just whipped out his camera and showed me pictures of when I was sleeping.

"It's not what I was expecting, but I will keep them." Even a smug smirk appeared on his face so I just stood up and pinched his cheek, he wasn't too bothered by my actions however.

"Since you have what you wanted I'm going back home."

"If it's for more sleep you can stay here." He dared to wink in my direction, so I decided to add theatrics for fun.

"Can't do, I'm just one measly naive noble lady who doesn't know the dangers of this cruel world. What if a tall and lanky big bad wolf decides to swallow me whole, what will become of me then?" I never thought he would strike back with the goofiest performance by trying to chase me around in his flat while having his mouth open when his hands were up in the air.

"Yes, naive noble ladies are my favorite." He said while licking his lips making my body shudder at the sight so I tried to avoid him as much as possible, but in no time I was pinned to the bed by the same guy.

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