Summer Omake: The Beach Episode

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The sun was bright and you could hardly contain your excitement as you waited on the front step of your apartment's door for your girlfriends to arrive. Classes had just let out for the summer, and to celebrate the five of you were all taking a trip to the beach.

It was actually your first time visiting the beach, and not just that but your first time going with four lovely girlfriends who'd all be wearing their own swimsuits. To say you were excited for this would be an understatement. So much so that you'd been up practically all night packing and picking out what to wear. Now all that was missing from your perfect day was your girlfriends, one of whom you could already see coming down the street.

Y/n: Hey Mami!

A bit further down the sidewalk, said blonde looked up from her phone to see you waving her down. Immediately her lips curved up into a smile as she hustled her way over to you, giving you a brief moment to check her out. She has eschewed her usual outfit for today, instead replacing it with a simple skirt and a thin white button up through which you could see the barest peek of her blue bikini top. The ensemble was completed with a big floppy hat and pair of sunglasses which she tilt down to give your a surprised look over.

Mami: Hey girl, not rocking the jacket today?

You blushed a bit due to feeling embarrassed. For its safety you'd ditched your jacket at home so it wouldn't get wet. Unfortunately this left you feeling rather underdressed with only your swimsuit and oversized shirt, especially with the way Mami was checking you out.

Y/n: Yeah well beaches and leather don't really mix well.

Mami: True, but hey at least your looking good.

Your blush deepened feeling the way her eyes roamed your figure. Not that there was much on display what with the shirt you used to cover your swimsuit being rather baggy and falling to your knees. Even still the blonde was eyeing like you were already stripped down, something which left your poor cheeks hotter than they could handle.

Embarrassed, you looked away to try and hide your face but only succeeded in making Mami laugh as she sat down next to you to wait for the rest of your group. Luckily it wasn't more then a couple minutes later when a familiar van pulled down the street and stopped in front of you, it's window rolling down to show Kyoko's smiling face as she called for you two to hop in.

Grinning, you hopped up and gave Mami a hand up before offering to take your bags. She smiled and obliged, handing off her bags to you but not before planting a quick peck to your cheek in thanks. She then giggled seeing your blush, one which persisted as you tossed hers and your bags into the back and climbed into van to grab a seat.

Looking around you quickly saw all your girlfriends were here. Mami was of course right next to you, meanwhile the backseats were cramped with Misako grumbling as Hasebe laid her legs over her lap. Kyoko though had pulled rank to snag the front passenger seat next to her Mom who had been gracious enough to drive you all out for the day. Said MILF was smiling as she watched you fasten your seatbelt.

Ms. Kyoko: Alright girls, is everyone buckled up and ready?

You couldn't keep the smile off your face even as several of your girlfriends groaned. Some shuffling and clicks later and Ms Kyoko was given the good to go.

Now the drive would take awhile, luckily this just meant you had plenty of time to check out the girls before you got there. Like Mami they were all dressed for the beach, with Hasebe already being in her swimsuit. Hers was a striking red two piece that hugged her figure tightly. A thin jacket kept her appearance modest, though even then her drool worthy legs were on full display over Misako's lap.

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