Chapter 5: A Burger for Godai

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You stepped over the downed body of some smug generic looking guy that was groaning in pain on the pavement. The scene on the street was a vast departure to the typical quiet suburbia it was earlier, bruised and beaten bodies laying and thrown about while Kyoko and Misako looking only slightly worse for wear. The People who had watched in confusion and interest from windows and lawns as two cute school girls beat up a bunch of guys in broad daylight returned to their mundane lives.

You were briefly concerned as your new friends dusted themselves off and fixed their hair, sure they were tough but this much fighting was worrying. Not that concerns lasted long as Kyoko's head perked up after You called to them, waving at your approaching figure excitedly, a wide infectious smile on her face the whole time.

Kyoko: Hey Y/n!

Y/n: Hey Kyoko!

You and Kyoko waved enthusiastically at each other, the redhead smiling widely as you walked up to the pair of girls. However Misako's voice shouted over both of you as she looked at you demanding answers. Looking at her You saw she looked annoyed and confused about something.

Misako: Hold on, we left the school before you. How did you get here before us?

Y/n: I took the bus.

The black haired girl slumped down, looking rather disappointed with herself in that moment.

Misako: Damn why didn't we think of that.

Y/n: I don't know. So what you two been doing? Any of these guys give you any trouble.

The two girls looked at you oddly before Kyoko giggled and gestured dismissively. Misako shook her head in exasperation at you while also looking smug as she planted her hands on her curvy hips.

Kyoko: Nah, we beat them up pretty easily. Kinda slowed us down though.

Y/n: Why did you fight them?

Kyoko: They started it!

Misako: These losers got pissed after hearing we showed their friends back at school who's boss, so they thought they'd do better.

Y/n: Why is everyone from your school so violent?

Kyoko: I don't know why did you break Shanon's leg?

Y/n: That was an accident that she probably deserved. Not my fault everything at school went to hell.

Misako: Yeah well. It's just nice to be outta that crappy school.

Y/n: I know right, we got like the entire day to do stuff now. Like in the past hour I've already crossed like two things off my bucket list. Weekends are great.

Kyoko: For sure. Wanna go see a movie?

Y/n: Yes!

Misako: We're looking for our boyfriends remember.

Y/n:. Kenny and Richie?

Misako: Kunio and Riki

Y/n: That's what I said.

Kyoko: Oh yeah, we should ask if they want to go to.

Y/n: Is their presence negotiable?

Misako glared at you in annoyance, but you brushed it off with Indifference. After all they ain't your boyfriends, and if Kyoko and Misako weren't hot and a good source of looting money you'd probably just fuck right off back home and get a poptart and watch Youtube with Ziggy. You shrugged at her, causing the black haired girl to sigh in annoyance.

Misako *sigh* let's just go find that creepy guy.

Y/n: K, but we'll circle back to the movie discussion later then.

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