Chapter 1: First Day at River City High

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You awoke to the sound of honking cars and shouting in the streets. The sounds from the streets of River City drifting up to reach through your apartment window and assault your sleeping ears. Groaning in discomfort you pressed your pillow against your face to drown out the ambient city noises that had been getting on your nerves ever since your brother moved you both into this stupid city.

You laid there, cursing everything from your brother's decision to move to a noisy city to the stupid drivers below and their loud obnoxious car horns. In time the pillow let you block out the obnoxious traffic sounds and relax yourself back into bed. You nestled snugly into your covers, clutching your plush raccoon Ziggy tightly to your chest.

 You nestled snugly into your covers, clutching your plush raccoon Ziggy tightly to your chest

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It was a perfect way to get the morning back on track as you sighed in content sleepiness.


You bolted upright with righteous fury as your hand scrambled to your nightstand, grabbing fruitlessly at your phone until you managed to grip it and flip it open after a few moments. Through blurry vision you noticed saw that your caller ID showed that the jerk interrupting your sleep filled morning was your brother Piers. Grimacing, you clicked accept and brought the phone to your ear.

Y/n: What is it Piers? I'm trying to sleep, like a normal person on Saturday.

His reply from over the phone wasn't amused by your jab at him, and his deadpan voice blared through the speaker.

Piers: Haha, very funny. I'm just calling to make sure you don't sleep through your first day of school Y/n. These placement exams are important, River City High is the only school in town willing to allow you to enroll halfway through the semester.

Y/n: *groan* Why do I need to go to some shitty school. I could just get my GED. Or if your sold on this school thing, I could just self study the rest of the semester and start back up at the start of next semester, that way I'm not dropping in halfway through looking completely lost like a moron.

You couldn't see him right now, but you could practically feel the frustration radiating off of your brother, his mutterings and voice practically screaming how much he didn't want to argue about this.

Piers: Just get to school Y/n, your tests are at 8:00. Don't be late, and try to make some friends or something. I gotta get back to work, but I'll be calling the school later to make sure you showed up on time.

He ended the call without another word, and you grumbled a bit under your breath while hugging you plush raccoon tighter. You rolled about under your covers, enjoying the feel of laying snug in bed until your eyes hit the digital clock on your nightstand. The device read 7:15

Your eyes shot open and you threw the covers off of your slender body. School tests on Saturday may not have been on your list of priorities, but on that was not getting in trouble and grounded by brother. Hastily you dashed to your bathroom, taking a quick shower as hot water rinsed off your skin and you shampooed your hair. After several minutes of washing you slammed the water off and grabbed a towel, immediately rubbing it furiously along your curves before wrapping it around your hair.

River City Girls: New Girl in TownМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя