Chapter 11: Up and Down Uptown

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Being the heart of River City's metropolitan center, Uptown and it's residents were used to the occasionally rowdy or unusual tourists paying patronage to its streets. So when two girls were violently tossed out of one the local clothing store by an irate security guard no one batted an eye. The same could not be said for Misako, who after getting back on her feet was quick to shoot the store front a furious look.

Misako: Your kicking us out, well we don't even want to be in your crummy store!

Kyoko: That one top was really cute though.

Misako: Shut up, don't let them hear you say.

The redhead gave her friend a sheepish look before the ring of a shop-bell caused them to turn and see the same security who'd thrown them out carrying you slung over his shoulder.

Security Guard: Here you can take this one with you.

Grunting, he threw you out of the store. Your body landed unceremoniously on the pavement in a crumpled heap as your purse soon landed on your stomach, knocking the wind out of your lungs as the bag's crushing weight pinned you to .the ground. Unable to feel yourself breathing as you desperately tried pushing the overstuffed tote off your chest. Seeing you struggle to lift a purse, Kyoko and Misako rolled their eyes and gave the retreating figure of the guard one last glare before trudging off down the street.

Misako: C'mon stop messing around Y/n, we have one last store to hit on this bloc.

Your face turned an ugly shade of blue as you gave the deadly heavy bag one last push, just barely managing to knock it off your chest before breath deprivation knocked you unconscious. Several moments passed while you laid there gasping for breath and reflecting on the wisdom of literally stuffing your purse full of more gold than you could carry. Eventually you managed to catch your breath enough to stand up and shakily lug the purse back up onto your shoulder with a heavy "oompf" before running off after the girls. But by the time you'd managed to catch up the two were already scouting out the different store fronts again.

Y/n: Um, guys? I don't think charging into random stores is working.

Pausing, they both turned to give you a blank look as the redhead of the two shrugged noncommittally.

Kyoko: I mean it's gotta work eventually right?

Y/n: Well I guess if you looked through every building in the city, then yeah it would.

Misako: I'll settle for checking that sports supply store.

Turning towards where Misako was pointing, you couldn't help but groan seeing the sign for large sporting supply store. The sight of so much athletic gear already making your legs sore just thinking about it.

Y/n: Ew. Why would we want to go there?

Misako: Because we haven't checked there for signs of the boys yet.

Y/n: No offense but I don't see a guy named Kenny being big into sports.

Misako: Well his name is Kunio so there's that.

Feeding in place, you looked at the girls like they'd grown a second head as they walked by. You kept staring at them in shock for several moments before shaking yourself loose and catching up with them, face locked in a confused glare as you dashed ahead and got in front of them.

Y/n: Are you trying to say I've been mispronouncing your boyfriends' names this whole time?

Kyoko: You've been doing it like the entire time.

Misako: literally haven't gotten their names right once.

That couldn't have been true, after all you were great with names. You stared at them mouth agape as you tried processing the idea you'd been wrong this whole time, your body walking backwards on autopilot as you continued looking at them utterly confused.

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