Chapter 3: Boss Battle! Mizuzu

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You took slow deep as you exhaled away your frustration at this god forsaken school. You hadn't been to an actual school in years and this place seemed custom built into deceiving you into thinking that it wasn't infested with annoyances and irritants. Breathing exercises and positive thinking could only do so much against a bunch of annoying classmates trying to punch you and then pelting you with food that still clung to your hair and jacket.

Your growing frustration had an unlikely ally in the growling emptiness in your stomach that punished you for skipping breakfast earlier this morning.Suddenly standing up straight and pushing down your frustration you marched towards the food line right past Kyoko and Misako, who for their part looked both amused at your frustration and confused as to where you were going. But they weren't important to you right now, you might be on the verge of uncontrollable rage and irritation, but an empty stomach was something you could fix.

Misako: Hey Y/n! The doors that way.

She had a hand on her hip as she pointed a thumb at the door out to the school lobby, but you didn't spare her more than a glance before placing yourself right in the food line.  Even as Kyoko got up and tapped you on the shoulder you stayed facing in the direction of the line, attention fully focused on the various items on the breakfast menu.

Kyoko: Um Y/n? We're kind on a time cru—

Y/n: Shushush

You placed a finger on her lips to shush her, staring at her dead in the eye. The ponytailed girl grew nervous at the dull lifeless expression you gave her, a feeling that grew as you stared at her silently for several seconds as the line moved ahead of you, and when you did speak it was with a monotone tone that wouldn't have been out of place in a murder scenario.

Y/n: I haven't eaten all day, I have not had breakfast. I have been chased, fought, and harassed today by a bunch of annoying people I'm now realizing I'll have to put up with all year. So now I'm going to eat, do you understand.

Kyoko shivered from the creepy dull lifeless tone of your voice, her head nodding furiously as the air around you grew dark and heavy.

Kyoko: Y-you sure you don't want to get clea—

Kyoko: Y-yeah, why don't me and Misako go get a table

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Kyoko: Y-yeah, why don't me and Misako go get a table.

She walked away taking an annoyed Misako with her towards a table by the other end of the room. Meanwhile your bafflement over what just happened flooded you, snapping you out of your mood as you pulled your hands up. You looked at your appendages in awe and amazement. You had never felt such power before, and you scrambled to savor the feeling.

Y/n: How did I do that? I need to remember how I achieved this power, for with great power comes great chances to exploit it.

Coming off the unexpected power high you turned around to step forward in line, but as you did you slammed face first into the back of a wall of blue fabric. The collision sent you falling onto your butt as the person you slammed into turned to look at you. You looked up to find yourself looking at a tall guy dressed like a 90's greaser with a ridiculous pompadour.

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