Chapter 9: Uptown Funk

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Stepping out onto the streets, you and the girls got your first look at Uptown, the busting heart of River City where flashing signs decorated buildings that rose higher than anywhere else in the city and cast a neon haze over the shadowy streets below. Taking a deep breath of the fresh city smog, Misako let out a deep relieved sigh as the mall's automatic doors lid closed behind her.

Misako: Finally we're out of there. Felt like we were stuck in there for months.

Y/n: And yet in all that time we never got to hit the clothes store.

Kyoko: Yeah. . .

Scowling Misako turned to face you as you gave her the stink eye while clutching a large chocolate shake in one hand, and Kyoko slumped over depressed beside you.

Misako: Hey! The deal was you'd stop complaining if we got ice cream, so cut it out!

You grimaced at her unfair factual statements, and turned away in a huff to sourly slurp down another delicious mouthful of cold creamy chocolate goodness. Leaving Kyoko to watch jealously as she glanced wanting it between your XL cup and her bone dry popsicle stick.

Misako: Kyoko focus! We need to find our boyfriends.

Kyoko: Oh yeah, that's right! That creepy guy said Riki Poo should be here in Uptown.

She perked up immediately at the reminder, and the two girls were soon back off on their quest with you lazily trailing behind and drinking your shake. Wading through the streets of Uptown, Kyoko and Misako's eyes were wide as they took in the sights of shiny streets, towering glass windows, flashing neon signs for the ultra high end stores that dotted the streets, and crowds of passerbys all wearing expensive designer label clothing.

Kyoko: So this is Uptown, huh?

Misako: Seems pretty fancy.

Kyoko: And expensive

Misako: And judgy.

Kyoko: We don't belong here, do we?

Misako: No, we do not

Y/n: *SLURP* Congratulations your not a rich butthole.

The girls blinked owlishly before smiling, their bout of self consciousness forgotten as the reminder they weren't elitist dicks quickly cheered them up and got them looking fired up to continue the quest for Kenny and Ritchie.

Kyoko: She's right! Let's find Kunio and Riki and get out of here.

Misako: Yeah forget this trash heap, let's keep looking Kyoko

The two excitedly grinned at each other with a fist bumping high five before turning on their feat and taking off down the busy street, leaving you in their dust as you blinked and drank the last sips of your shake. Panicking you chugged down the remaining mouthfuls of your XL sized chocolate shake and shouted for them to wait.

Y/n: Girls hold up, wait!

Stopping on a dime, the girls pivoted around sharply to look back at you. But as they turned around their shoulders immediately went sock as they baffledly watched you dangle your empty cup

Y/n: My cups empty, you mind holding on for a sec so I can throw it away?

Kyoko: We were in the middle of searching, can't you just carry it for a bit?

Y/n: But I'm empty, and my arm will get tired

Misako: From jus- Ughh you know what fine, but make it quick.

The girls patiently stood and waited there as you looked around for somewhere to chuck your trash, but after a bit without finding anything you started Sweating nervously as the girls eyes bored impatiently into your back. Hesitantly you turned back around towards them with an nervous chuckle.

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