Chapter 13: Boss Battle! Hibari

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By the time you got back Hibari's fashion warehouse hadn't changed a bit. It's storefront remained suspiciously empty, with not a soul in sight to see as you and the girls slipped into the back. Admittedly this was your first time being backstage in a clothing studio, as the first time you visited Hibari's the runway suspended over a pit of spikes had scared you away. Yet standing here you found yourself kinda hoping it'd be your last. Just something about the eery quiet, half finished designs, and piles of fabric swatches put you on edge.

And of course it seemed you were the only one to feel this way as Misako stepped out ahead of you and brazenly waved the "golden" cat around.

Misako: Yo, lady! Here's a golden cat for ya!

Despite her expectations otherwise, shouting into an empty room didn't yield Misako the response she had hoped, or really any at all as you were all just left standing there waiting as nothing happened.

Kyoko: Are...we supposed to do something now?

Y/n: Maybe we can try putting it on that?

You pointed ahead of you to where smack dab in the center of the room stood a small almost ritualistic looking candle lit altar. Seeing this, Kyoko and Misako blinke sun surprise.

Misako: Huh. I can't believe we didn't notice that. You'd think suspiciously cultish altars would be more noteworthy.

Kyoko: Yeah...

Misako: Welp I'm gonna put the cat there.

Ignoring the sketchy vibes it gave off, Misako walked forward to place the statuette on the alter. However, before she could set the cat down she was stopped by a shout from Kyoko telling her to Wait.

Kyoko: Hold on. Is it just me or is anyone else getting a bad feeing about this?

Y/n: Geez I don't know Kyoko. We're in the back of a fashion studio about to place a golden cat on a ritualistic altar. What's to feel bad about?

Your snark quickly put you on the receiving end of matching glared as both your friends gave you a pointed look

Kyoko: Just set the cat down Misako.

Misako: Yep.

Placing the cat upon the altar, Misako was soon left disappointed as nothing immediately happened. That didn't last long however, for only a second later a deep rumbling shook the room, knocking sewing supplies and a statuette off the shelves as the doors in the back creaked open to reveal a forebodingly unlit passage deeper into the bowels of the studio. Looking in, you could see nothing but inky blackness ahead

Y/n: You see Kyoko now that's ominous.

Kyoko: Oh shut up.

Annoyed, the redhead was the first to stomp her way down the corridor, followed swiftly by Misako and then yourself against your own better judgement. The hallway was as dark as it looked from the outside, leaving the three of you unable to see and with no way to orientate yourselves save for blindly groping at the space ahead of you. Which presented its own problems as your hand accidentally found itself grabbing hold of something very soft and very chest level. Blushing, you immediately scrambled to apologize without actually letting go.

Y/n: S-sorry Misako!

Misako: Huh. What are you talking about?

Confused by her lack of reaction, you gave the suspiciously tit shaped thing in your hand another much rougher squeeze.

Y/n: Didn't you feel that?

Misako: No. Should I have?

You were left utterly perplexed by how calm the other girl seemed right now. Normally you would have expected your groping to earn you a punch to the face, however Misako seemed completely oblivious to your hand on her chest. And as much as you might have wished otherwise, it probably wasn't your boundless charisma making her cool with some light groping between friends. No, something was definitely up.

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