Halloween Omake

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Ominous green light illuminated the otherwise lightless room as you knelt and cradled your Grimoire in your lap. Before you scrawled in chalk on the floor was a massive ritualistic circle embossed with cthonic markings and inlaid with a seven pointed star, a single glow stick flickering at each point. Flipping the page you continued the chants, the temperature growing cold and unnatural as you repeated the eldritch words.

Y/n: Stirips fo dlrowrednu, raeh em llac dna esir ot—Aghhhh!

You shrieked in surprise as the lights flipped on without warning, your arms flailing and knocking the cheap glow sticks all across the floor as you clutched your Grimoire to your chest. Eyes bigger than a deer's in headlights, you turned to see your Piers standing in the doorway, finger still perched on the light switch as he looked at you blandly. Huffing, your cheeks puffed out as you angrily pouted at your big bro.

Y/n: Piers! I told you not to interrupt me when I was in the middle of my ritual.

You fumed petulantly as he shrugged it off, stuffing his hands in his pockets nonchalantly as if he hadn't just ruined several hours worth of magic prep work.

Piers: Yeah well you also told me to come get you when your girlfriends got here.

Y/n: But bro, if the ritual is interrupted or the protection circle broken the cos equinoxes for the world could be di— Wait they're here already? What time is it?

Piers: A bit past seven thirty.

Your face fell as it the reality crashed down on you, tonight you and the girls were planning to hit up the Halloween haunt party at the mall, but amid your magic practice and ritual you must have lost track of time. Looking down at your shorts and tank top you cringed at how totally unprepared you were.

Like a blur you were scrambling to your feet. You frantically dashed over to your closet, knocking a glow stick over in the process, and began hurriedly pulling out your costume and tugging it on.

Y/n: Crap crap, I'm not ready. Can you go tell them I'll be a minute?

Piers: Yeah sure. But please clean up your mess there before you leave?

Y/n: Thanks bro, your the best!

You replied back quickly, not really paying attention past him agreeing. He fixed you with a suspicious look before shrugging and closing the door behind him on the way out. Now alone you undressed, slipping your clothes off so that you could comfortably slip into your Halloween costume.

After a quick suit up montage you proudly stood in front of your mirror smirking happily at how your costume came out. Under your signature jacket you were dressed in a brown dog suit onesie, your hands slipped intro cute paw shaped gloves and all of it topped off by an adorable wolf ear headband. Playfully growling at your reflection you burst into giggles.

Y/n: Girl you looking good, now time to get out there.

Grabbing your grimoire and stuffing it in your handbag, you switched the tiger wrestling belt buckle out for a wolf themed one before merrily skipping out of your room, paying no mind to your incomplete ritual circle. As such you failed to notice the green glow darkening into an unearthly blood red.

Out in the living room you blushed bright pink as saw your girlfriends Mami and Hasebe waiting for you in full costume. You felt yourself gulp as you eyes trailed over their bodies, hungrily devouring the sight of how their outfits hugged their slender figures. You and your girlfriends had all gone in together on a polycule's theme of the classic movie monsters, with you being the wolf man, or girl in this instance.

Hasebe had chosen to go as the creature of the black lagoon, donning a semi revealing blue green swimsuit that hugged her slender figure like a second skin. Your breath hitched as your eyes trailed over the several strategic cutouts that showed off your girlfriend's her hips, navel, and inner thighs.

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