Chapter 12: Pawning and Fawning

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Squeezed between two high rises you and the girls found what you were looking for, and immediately you were regretting your past decisions just looking at the old disgusting alley way they led you too. With gang signs and graffiti littering the walls, and trash piling high next to the overflowing dumpster, only the presence of a small neatly hung sign reading "Pawn Shop" kept this from being a one to one mirror to a crime scene.

Y/n: Yeah I'm not going in there.

You heard an groan groan as you turned around to face Kyoko and Misako, the latter giving you a glare while the Kyoko just looked curious.

Kyoko: Huh. Why not?

Y/n: Are you serious?

You gestured back to the alleyway where an oddly dark puddle had pooled beneath the dumpster, then looked back to the girls having made your point.

Y/n: It's clearly a murder alley.

Rolling her eyes, Misako was quick to give you a dismissive shrug.

Misako: Pshhhh, you'll be fine...probably.

Y/n: You kinda paused there for a moment Misako.

Throwing her hands up, Misako fixed you a fed up look.

Misako: Ugh. Look, we need something to offer up to get a meeting with Hibari. So, unless you know another place we can get some gold stop complaining.

Pushing your purse further behind your back, you couldn't help but curse internally knowing she was right. The three of you had been prowling the streets for almost an hour and had found nothing in the way of a golden offering for Hibari. And yet watching a cockroach skitter out of the garbage before disappearing into the woodworks left you struggling to keep your lunch down.

Y/n: ...I still don't see why I have to go.

Misako: Hey feel free to stick around out here. I'm sure Ashanti and the cheerleaders would love the company.

Y/n: What?

Confused, you blinked and looked behind you only to freeze upon seeing Ashanti and her gang of cheerleaders showing your picture to the various vendors and patrons on the street. From where they were at they'd only have to turn around to see you and judging by the baseball bats several of them were carrying this wasn't gonna be the kiss and make out kinda meeting you'd prefer.

Y/n: Ah frick, come on let's go!

Without a moment of hesitation you were dashing down the alley way intent on protecting your shins, leaving the Kyoko and Misako to watch in amusement as you just booked it. Both giving your retreating figure a find look.

Kyoko: You know she's kinda cute when she's running away.

Misako: What the fuck Kyoko?

Kyoko: Huh?

Shaking her head, Misako started her way down the alley behind you deciding to shelve that conversation for later.

Misako: Nothing, let's just get going.

Blinking, Kyoko watched Misako go feeling confused, but after a beat gave up and rushed to catch up with a happy smile

Being the paragon of athletic capability you were it wasn't long before the girls caught up with after you'd been forced to stop and catch your breath. Panting, you waited for Kyoko and Misako before finishing the rest of the walk together, at which point the three of you were all rewarded with the view of an old rundown apartment complex where the windows were broken in and boarded up with a small sign saying "Pawn Shop" tacked on the front door.

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