devotion (2)

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Kim's are soo busy, they are preparing for the wedding , they didn't even ask tae once whether he like gukk or not, gukk never contacted him after that so called date..tae don't even like him a little bit, he never felt comfortable and good in gukk presence. He want to disappear in thin air. He is thinking his family thought him as a burden that's why they want to married him off.

Today joon told that gukk will took him to select their wedding rings and suit, so they told him to get ready but deep inside tae heart he don't want these things, he want to scream and cry out loud, he want to say everything to his family about his feelings but what to do whenever he try to speak they cut him off because he will take too much time to complete one sentence.

Soon he heard a knock,

Tae:: co..ccome in. ( Jm came inside and informed that gukk arrived )

Tae came down, asusual looking simple. Gukk rolled his eyes secretly.

Gk:: shall we go tae??( Fake soft )

Tae can easily tell how fake is this but his family looking at them with happy face..

They both left, tae felt suffocating throughout the ride. Gukk parked the car and left without waiting for tae,
Tae came down and run towards gukk. He slipped and his ankle got twisted, gukk turn and look at him with irritated face.

Gk:: can't you be careful, stand by your own. ( Little cold )

Tae gulp and controlled his tears, he stood up but stumbled a little but he balanced and followed gukk.  His ankle was paining like hell, he can't walk properly.

Now they are selecting their rings, gukk ask politely to the girl.

Gk:: show me the diamond rings. ( Soft )

Tae is looking at those rings with his innocent eyes, gukk took one pair of ring in one minute and told them to pack....that girl really get shock, Gukk didn't even look at the rings properly.

Tae slowly stood and his eyes caught one purple pendent, don't know why he wants to buy that one. He went to that girl,

Tae:: nn.oona I want ttththat purple pen.. pendent. ( Stutter badly )

Gukk got mad, he look at tae with fire eyes, he already told him not to talk..

That girl look at tae with soft eyes,

G:: this one little one.( Soft )

Tae nodded his head like a puppy..

Tae took his own money and bought the pendent. Gukk thought tae will give the pendent to him..

Tae kept the pendent inside his hoodie and took slow steps towards the exit door. Gukk followed him, tae settled beside tae who is massaging his ankle.

Gk:: aren't I told you to keep your mouth shut?? Do you want to make me embarrass purposely?? ( Cold )

Tae blink his eyes to stop his tears,

Tae:: ssor.ry ( look down )

Then they went to select a suit, again gukk took just one minute to select.

After getting a hurtful behaviour from gukk, he dropped tae in kim mansion then left.

Tae directly went to his room, others thought he is shy.

Days passed, today is the day of their marriage, till now tae didn't even meet jk for once , that man just visit his home once a month or twice a month.

Today mr.jeon told jk to attend his brother wedding. Jk is not the one who listen his parents, but today he really want to see who's gonna marry his evil twin. Jk know the ill intention of jungguk always wanting others attention.

Taekook oneshots 2💜💜Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin