pain (3)

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Taekook house::

Jk is sitting in the living room working in his laptop with concentration. Tae came there and look at jk with sad eyes, he went to kitchen and started to make coffee for his husband, he know jk is working in a very important project so he was too busy in these day.

Tae slowly went to the living room holding the coffee cup,

Tae:: hmm hubby. ( Jk hummed checking some files )

Yes tae call him as hubby because he love to call jk like that, jk too don't have any problem.

Tae:: drink some  coffee. ( When he bend down to placed the coffee on the table but he flinched hard when someone rang the calling bell like a mad man, making the coffee spill on jk files. Tae widen his eyes in horror, he look at jk with feared eyes)

Tae:: I didn.t do i.t on purpose. ( Shutter with fear )

Jk took a long breath and stood up with a staright face, he left from there  taking his files. Tae look at jk with guilty eyes. Jk is already in pressure and working non stop he added some extra work.

Mrs.choi cleaned and table , and comfort tae who just lost somewhere. While mrs.yang open the door and find few neighbour kids who are friends for tae. They always came here to play with  tae as they like him soo much.

Tae smiled at the kids but it's not whole heartedly.

In jk room::

Jk called his secretary,

Jk:: send me another copy , hurry. ( Cut the call )

Jk washed his red hands , because coffee spilled in his hands too but he didn't showed up in his face. He apply some gel. He sit on the bed and kept his head on head board then closed his eyes feeling exhausted.

After few minutes,

He heard a knock,

Jk:: come in. ( Calm )

Tae came inside holding some files.
He walked towards jk and gave the files to him with a guilty eyes. Jk took the file then  started to check it.

Tae:: I am sorry hubby. ( Teary eyes )

Jk lift his head and stood up , he stand infront of tae and lift his chin using his index finger. Tae got shock when he saw how jk is looking at him with soft gaze make his heart go wild.

Jk:: shh it's okay. ( Left from there )

If we ask jk why he become this much soft for the first time in his life time, his simple answer is he don't like those teary eyes, his heart felt uneasy when he witness those teary eyes.

In these months ,tae thought he can't make jk fall for him that's why he become silent always thinking about if jk had any problems in past, he even talk with jeons but they denied saying jk had none. So tae was trying his best to find jk childhood friend enwoo to get know about jk. But he can't find him.

Today tae witness jk have a soft side for him make him feel over whemble.
He wipe his tears and came out then saw jk is sitting on the same spot and doing his work. Tae gather his courage and went to him then sit beside him with decent distance.

Tae cleared his throat , getting jk attention.

Tae:: hubby I want to say something?? ( Bold )

Jk hummed without taking his eyes from the laptop.

Tae:: I have a business trip for four days.( Lied )

Tae found enwoo address, he settled in United States, so he need to visit enwoo to get to know about jk.

Jk stopped his work and bite his inner cheeks harshly. He think for a while and nodded his head making tae happy internally.

Tae went to pack his things, he determined to find jk past, tae know something happened because the way jk soft with babies and his eyes sparkle like a cute bunny saying this is true nature but what made him like this.

It was night time, mrs.choi and mrs.yang left. Taekook eating their food with silence. Jk eating very slow, because he know tae is a slow eater. But today tae noticed something very off for jk. He is zoned out, and not eating properly.

Tae:: any problem?? ( Soft )

Jk just shook his head and started to eat, in these months this is the first time tae is going out of city.

Next day::

Tae is getting ready, he heard a knock, he thought mrs.choi was the one who came to give him strawberry milk.

Tae:: come in pretty lady. ( Soft )

But to his surprise it was jk standing there with different emotions.

Tae:: do you need anything hubby??
( Worried )

He saw how jk have dark circles and swollen eyes , did jk cried. Tae breath stuck when jk pull him for a tight hug and nuzzle his face in tae crook of neck and kept his hands around tae waist.

Before tae react ,jk detached himself from tae and spoke softly.

Jk:: take care be careful. ( Left from there quickly , if tae have power to read mind he get to know how jk wishing him to hold him in his embrace not letting him go )

Tae::what happened to him?? ( Worry )

Tae had enough, he can't see jk in hurt anymore, what the fuck jk is hiding. He followed jk to his room and saw him lying on the bed with closed eyes. He went near him and hover over him then pinned his both hands above jk head who look at tae with unknown eyes.

Jk:: what are you doing?? ( Straight face )

Tae:: did you cried?? ( Deep voice )

Jk look away when he saw how tae is looking at him with hurt eyes.

Tae:: I am asked you something Kim jungkook. ( Shout )

Jk flinched but he blink his eyes multiple times to control his tears. Tae  placed his lips on jk left eyes and stayed there for few minutes, he done the same thing to jk other eyes who let tae do anything.

Jk opened his eyes and look at tae with beating heart.

Tae:: don't you think I deserve to know the truth. ( Soft )

Tae caresses jk cheeks who lean for the touch.

Jk:: don't go. ( Tae look at him with different gaze )

Tae:: where?? ( Soft )

Jk:: your business trip. ( Tiny )

Tae:: why?? ( He kept his head on jk chest )

Jk:: I don't want you to leave me. ( Straight )

Tae smiled a little,

Tae:: that's why you cried?? ( Soft )

Tae look at jk kept his hand on both sides of jk.

Jk nodded his head looking soo cute making tae heart felt warm.

Tae:: hmm then kiss me so I won't go. ( Tease )

Tae want to lift the mood, but he didn't expect jk smashed his lips on tae , this is their first kiss even on the wedding day they didn't kiss.

Jk kiss him slowly, tae came out from the shock and kiss him back.

Jk( mind ):: your trapped Kim taehyung.


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