forever yours (4)

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It's been three weeks that tae has injured, till now tae didn't spoke anything expect one question, " why did you saved me jungkook" this is the only thing he asked to jk who felt a pang in his heart.

These three weeks, tae didn't talk a single word, he become soo silent and looking soo pale, jk was the one who take care of him, doctor visit tae and checked him time to time, he is now little bit alright, tae started to go to work, jk try to stop him but tae didn't even look at him, these things make jk felt soo bad,. something happened that's why tae is behaving like this...

Today is Sunday, tae is drinking like a mad man, he shouldn't take alcohol because he is taking medicine.

Jungkook came out from his room but widen his eyes,

Jk:: hyung you shouldn't drink ( hold tae hand )

Tae look at him with cold eyes,

Tae:: leave my hand ( raspy )

Jk felt a shiver runs through his body...

Jk:: hy.ung please listen to me. ( Shutter )

Jk can't able to look at tae eyes which is piercing him.

Tae push jk hands away from him, who is getting anxious..

Jk:: stop please...( Tae is not listening, jk had enough he took the bottle from tae who got angry )

Tae:: give it back jungkook ( anger )

Jk shook his head and hold the bottle tightly ,tae fist his hands..

Tae:: I said give it back..( controlling himself)

Jk eyes are filled with tears, he shook his head and throw the bottle on the floor when he saw tae stood up, the bottle broke into pieces.

In a second tae choke jk who's breath got heavy..

Tae::WHY WHY???......( Deep silence )  Why did you saved me jun..gkook ( a person who shows no emotions shutter and his eyes filled with tears make jk felt broke )

Tae face was soo close with jk one, jk can see pain , hurt , loneliness in tae's eyes. Tae broke ,he completely broke, his grip loose on jk neck, he kept his head on jk crook of neck and pull him close...

He hug jk very tight, like very very tight, jk can't even breath properly. Jk too stunned when he heard tae sobbing sound.

Jk controlled himself not to broke down. He stroke tae hair slowly who is sobbing hard.

Tae wetting jk shirt with tears,

After few minutes, tae broke the hug, and went to his room without looking at jk eyes who is crying now.

Jk:: why his tears bre.aking my heart.( Hurt )

Time skip::

In midnight::

Tae is sitting in his balcony looking at the empty sky. He looks soo pale, he heard a knocking sound, jk came inside with a warm milk.

Jk went towards tae and kept the milk on the table, he sit beside him. 

It was very chill, jk shivered. Tae throw the blanket on jk lap who smiled.

Jk:: wanna talk hyung ( soft )

Tae stayed still..

Suddenly tae started to speak he even don't know why..

Tae:: why I am useless jungkook, why no one likes me?? Why I even born just to suffer. Why no on.e believe me why jungkook why?? Am I not trustwo.rthy?? My whole world is my eomma jungkook but he broke me , he broke me into pieces. ( Looking at the single star which is sparkling )
I beg them jungkook, I beg them to trust me..( deep sigh )

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