heal me (4)

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A twelve years old boy walking on the road with a pale face ,he is Jeon jungkook. He have no where to go, only the thought of killing daehyung is growing in him. Soon a car stopped beside him make him halt and look at the person who came out from the car looking hella rich and handsome.

??;: Are you hurt somewhere?? Who are you kid?? Come let's go to hospital. ( Check jk body who have no emotions )

That man is none other than Kim taehyung who is twenty nine years old. He pull the boy to his car who spoke nothing. He admitted jk in the hospital but jk have small bruises that's it.

That's when taehyung got a call from daehyung. He pick the call,

Dae:: did you visit them taehyung?? ( Soft )

Tae:: yes , he will soon handover the details but why did you send me there without informing me before. ( Doubt )

The line was silent..

Dae:: ha ha nothing, it's nothing taehyung...it happened suddenly. ( Lie ) where are you now??

Tae cut the call without telling  him.

Soon doctor came out,

D:: he is alright just small bruises, but he is in extreme shock, so he is not speaking anything. Just talk with him slowly and make him speak. ( Doctor told everything and left )

Tae went inside and saw jk who is looking outside, he sit beside him and talk slowly..

Tae:: what's your name?? ( Jk didn't respond, he didn't even turn his face )
Okay atleast give me your address. I will inform your parents.

When jk heard parents ,his eyes filled with tears but he didn't let it fall. Jk didn't even give any single detail.

Tae sighed and he don't have heart to leave just like that. He discharged jk and took him to his house, where he lives alone.

Tae is driving and jk is sitting in the passenger seat...

Tae:: you don't want to talk?? ( Soft )

Jk remained silent.

Tae:: ok then I will find myself. ( Focus on his driving )

Tae stopped infront of his house and parked the car.

Tae opened the door for jk who came out and look at the house which is looking cozy and beautiful. He turn towards tae and bow at him, he ready to leave but tae hold his hands.

Tae:: where are you going??

Tae got frustrated..

Tae:: okay stay here tonight okay.
(Mind ) in that time I will find what happened to you.

Tae drag him inside, jk bite his lips looking around. Tae lead him to the room opposite to his room.

Tae:: sleep here tonight, I will get something for you to eat. ( Jk close the door and slide himself on the floor )

Tae called someone and said something.

He make dinner for them and called jk..

Tae:: kid come out dinner is ready. ( No response )

Tae shook his head and knock the door and opened but widen his eyes when he saw jk cut his hands and lay there on his own pool of blood.

Tae lift him and run towards his car, he drive fastly..

Time skip::

Jk didn't cut properly because he is just twelve years old. Thank god jk is safe..

Tae is looking at his phone and clutch it.

Tae:: this daehyung bastard, destroy jeons..so he is Jeon jungkook..even though I told him to leave them ,he killed them behind my back. ( Angry like hell )

Tae look at jk who slowly opened his eyes, tae caresses jk cheeks who look at him with expression less face.

Tae:: I am sorry kid. If I am there I will not let anything happened to your family. ( Guilt )

Jk frown,.

Tae:: daehyung right?? ( Jk eyes turned red )

Jk breath started to get heavy, he can't breath properly, he thrash to get oxygen but he can't, his face get deep red..

Tae got panick and hug him tightly, he caresses jk back..

Tae:: shh calm down, take a deep breath kid...( Soothing voice )

Jk nuzzle his face in tae warm embrace and took a deep breath, he is looking soo small in tae bulky figure.

After few minutes tae Heard a soft snores. He sighed and put jk on the bed,he cover him in the blanket and called Jin who is his dad brother.

Mr.kim is working for daehyung and taehyung too. Jin don't want to meddle in this matter, so he Live with his husband namjoon and two sons yoongi and suga peacefully.

Mr.kim and mrs.kim is living in daehyung mansion. While tae want to be alone , so he bought a house...for Jin tae always like his son, he sometime visit tae.

On call::

Jin:: hello brat ,how are you?? ( Cheery )

Tae:: jinne please come to my home now. ( Hurry )

Jin:: what happened?? ( Worry )

Tae:: come fast ( cut the call )

As soon as Jin arrived, tae told him to take care of jk...

Tae is always follow his rules he never killed anyone who is not at fault. He and mr.kim is a pillar for that gang. Kim daehyung is just like a puppet king. Tae was Fuming in anger, how that daehyung kill innocent family and make that little kid to trauma..

He came to the mansion and went inside looking hella angry,

Tae:: DAEHYUNG. ( growl )

Mr and mrs.kim and daehyung wife Miya, then minjee who is nine years old came down. Daehyung came out from the gym and look at tae.

Tae March towards him and choke him make others widen their eyes, but they know it's useless to pull tae , because that man is very strong and they don't want to get beaten by tae...

So everyone just standing in their place.. only mr.kim try to pull tae from daehyung..

Mr.k:: tae what are you doing?? ( Shout )

Miya is crying badly while minjee hide behind Miya...

Tae:: I told you right?? I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO ANYTHING TO JEONS..( growl )

His nails piercing daehyung neck who is the verge of dying..

Mr.kim left tae hands in shock,he too don't know about this.....

Tae didn't leave him, but minjee hold his pants and cry hard make tae leave daehyung, who fall on the floor coughing badly..Miya hug daehyung.

Tae bend down to daehyung level and hold his collar..

Tae::what that small baby done to you?? How could you kill that small baby?? HUHH..listen to me till now we never kill any innocent soul, but now you done a mistake...you will get a worst punishment not by me but by someone. ( Tae left from there )

Tae directly went to his house and thanked Jin, who left with soo many confusions. Still now jk didn't woke up,

Tae lay down beside him, as he don't want to leave him alone..

He saw jk face, he have chubby cheeks, cute button nose and big eye lashes, a mole under his lips..

Tae:: I am sorry kid.( Sighed )

Tae kept his hand on jk head and caresses it slowly.

Tae:: he destroyed your happy family, you have every rights to do anything with him.


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