Calm Down

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I am only writing this because the conversation is seem to be going a little too much in the negative directions. I need all of you to calm down a little. 

It might have been off putting to some of you because she told that right in the middle of the sex, that is the only part that I could get. If you all have a problem with her having sex before marriage then that is your personal problem.

Premarital sex is a thing and it happens, sometimes because you think that the person is just right for you sometimes due to other reasons. I am not going to justify her this statement or mine for that matter.

She is above age and has a choice. I wrote two other girl characters and they were virgins so it was all good but her not being is such a big topic. You all are just proving my point of why I wrote that part. I know some women who are not virgins and have broken up with their boyfriends that doesn't make them wrong

Having sex is a choice and not having it also a choice.  Can we all leave it at this? It's being made bigger than it is. 

I have read many books in which the guys were not virgins and I didn't see it being such a big topic o the only question I could get is why is this such a big topic when it is about a girl?

Just leave this topic and calm yourself down because I will not take a lot of words against Dhriti or her character. 

I assume not a lot of you have had relationships yet or you know had a heart break you will realize after a age when you are in a relationship with a guy it's okay to get intimate. We have this prejudice only until a point

Also to the ones that were saying that Dhriti called other boring just because they have never been in a relationship for that content what I meant is having something simple and not being a lot adventurous

I have been called boring for not being in a relationship yet when I am 20 years old but I am still not ready to be in one but that because of my personal problems and that is again a choice. 

So what I am asking you is to stop judging her for a choice. It was her choice not yours.

Thankyou for reading

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