71- To Bend Death

Start from the beginning

" FREYA!" I hear Xaden, we hit impact with the beast, before everything goes spiraling I see the venin...run...

Rhys manages to flip about to flame it when it's beak clashes over his mouth keeping it shut. That was one second, in the next there was a flash of red and the creature gets ripped off, only confirming the venin was telling it what was happening.

Now we have the advantage.

Deigh now was fighting it again with Liam holding for dear life, but that wasn't enough, with the rolling, even the strongest rider couldn't stay seated like that..

" LIAM!" Hetta screams and she dives for him, they plummet at record speed climbing after him. I hear more shrilling and a whole new group of reborns and wyvern come from the city.

Coming for us...

Where is Imogen and Garrick?! Xaden told them to stay there along with the other third years... Are they.. Are they in the hoard?!

I hear anothr shriek, my head snaps back to see a bigger reborn knocked Hetta out of the way Managda defwnding themselves while Liam still falls, Hetta screaming for him.

My eyes widen, " Rhys go!" I look at Xaden " Cover me!"

In the next second Rhys is plummeting right after him, Xaden right on our tail. I see Deigh falling still fighting with the mutt, I see them tear eachother apart. I know it's not a reborn... they made that thing special..

Liam and Deigh were falling in almost perfect unison... Then I get hit with another Idea...

" Rhys faster!" I yell.

Rhys's fully tucks his wings free falling, the wind burns my eyes but I don't care... THis needs to work.

" Xaden!"

" You almost have him Freya... Focus."

" I'm about to do something...really stupid.."

And just like that... It's last this last year flashed before my eyes, how many times everyone... Dain, Mira, Hetta, Rhys, Andarna, Segyl...Xaden... told me not to do something stupid. How hard I've tried not to, to not mess up, to behave or be normal or whatever the hell they wanted to be to do.

To keep my ideas and impulses in check.

But I knew better, I knew what I did normally worked...normally..

I also know it's Liam or Deigh. We won't be able to catch them both.

" You need to catch him Rhys..."

" Freya?!" Rhys questions, his own fear raking through me, I crash my shield down to avoid his emotions for what I'm about to do..

" FURY!!" Xaden roars in horror knowing what exactly I'm going to do.

But a rider without it's dragon is dead. A strongly bonded dragon without it's rider is almost dead.

I've heard Liam talk about Deigh. The admiration in his eyes, his tone, the small smile with the dimple every time he talked about him. I've seen how well they work with eachother, how I know they would literally die for eachother.

One without the other is dead.

And I refuse to live in a world without Liam Mairi.

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