22- Protection

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I could tell everyone was getting pissed as the lesson went on. They'd ask a question, I'd tell them I don't know.

Even Kamori debated me a little saying ' I'd have to know.. I'm his rider..' it wasn't until I told them Rhys was one more debate away from coming himself is when they stopped, Kamori dismissing us nearly 20 minutes early.

I sigh as everyone leaves, sending me looks of distain, probably thinking I think I'm better then them..but I don't know, and Rhys isn't open to telling me more about himself today so I'm trapped.

" Tough crowd.." Hetta mutters next to me giving me a faint smile, " Not your fault you don't know. You only bonded him a day ago."

" Right.." I run my eyes, all the questions and riding making me feel drained, knowing I need to go ' train' or ' learn' with Imogen now makes me feel even more exhausted.

Hetta walks with me as we always do, " I was thinking we could-"

" I need to go train with stupid Imogen remember." I blurt not hiding my annoyance. Hetta's face straightens, " Oh right... I forgot.. I can't believe she's all of the sudden wanting to be your friend it's weird.."

" No, it's because Xaden is making her." I asnwer.

She tilts her head, " What? Why?"

" Because he thinks I'm a liability to his life..."

She presses her lips togther, " I see... Sounds like something he'd do.. I'm sorry."

I shake my head offerign another smile, " It's fine. I think it's just learning new fighting skills or something. At least it's something I can do and enjoy doing... plus if we spar.. it's anothwr excuse to punch her-"

" Punch who?" Dain asks walking up to us, he looks.. almost sad. His eyes lock with mine and my hear seems to flutter a bit. I give a smile, " Imogen."

" What what happened?" He asks now getting a little concerned.

" No., nothing. We're just..working out together."

His face scrunches, " You two? You and Imogen?"

I hum, " Yea."

" Hetta I'm going-"

" You can't steal me.. I have to meet Imogen." I say quickly looking at him.

" I need to talk to you." He says running his hand up my arm, " It can't wait."

I look over at one of the big clocks that hangs on the wall, I look at Hetta. " I'll see you later neighbor."

She smiles, " Later dorm neighbor." She gives Dain a small smile walking away yet again. " Come on-"

I stop, making his arm pull just a bit as he looks back at me. " I really can't be late Dain if you want I can stop by after-"

He sighs heavily looking around, no one else was in this hall. " That's what I needed to talk to you about.."

His jaw ticks as he seems to me taking in my every feature. " About us.. or what we did.."

I narrow my gaze, " Ok...what about us.."

He grabs my hands running the backs of them with his thumbs. " I care about you... alot... I always have.. So I was thinking.. thinking really..really hard.."

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