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It's been quiet.

Still, Hetta has been walking me to classes though I know she's still hurt, which I understand, though she's been talking a little but more, just a little.

Liam still has the same schedule as me from when he was my guard, but seeing our little agreement we refused to look at eachother for Xaden's sake.

And for Xaden....

Our connection feels like an aching wound, it's dull but you can still feel it..barely... though theres still a hurt. That's been driving me insane. Hell, Rhys still hasn't talked to me much since though from what Andarna said, he was doing it more for Segyl.

Also deserve that.

I sit down for lunch, where Ridoc was talking to our whole group loudly. " Did you hear the King Tairi is celebrating unification here... The KING.... KING TARI?"

I couldn't help but chuckle as I slip in to my normal seat by Hetta, kitty corner from Liam. In direct sight of Xaden's.

Where he was eating with his normal leadership, all of them talking.. conversing with one another...besides him. He had his ' face' on where it's terrifying but borderline hot... making my insides turn as he seems to glare Watching the Wingleader from First Wing talk.

He looks..paler...Maybe even a little sickly. If he doesn't feel good why didn't he stay in his room, hand the control over to Garrick for one day, even pawn some things off to Dain... He'd love that.

But... Xaden likes power, at least controlling. He'd be half dead and still doing Wingleader stuff... Malek he looks good today.... To good....even looking like that...

I get the turning feeling again of gnawing guilt looking back down to my plate picking at my mashes potatoes.

" Is that why I saw Navarrian guards? There were like 10... normally for province checks there's only 3." Hetta adds.

" Well duh.. it's the king.... And we're so close to graduation. I saw all their little black uniforms getting shipped here.." Imogen says in her annoyed cocky tone.

Another wave hits me..... Xaden will be graduating in 12 days.


And that leaves the future up in literal smoke.

I slowly chew my food as I look at Imogen, who was sitting right next to Liam.... who I know was glancing at me. I quickly look down not wanting anyone to see lingering glances.

I feel...something...

My eyes snap to Xaden as he now stares annoyed shaking his head at something Garrick is saying.

" Stop looking at me." Xaden grits in my head.

It made me jump, this was the first time in.... almost 2 weeks he's said something to me. Though I keep looking, I see his dark eyes snap to mine as he gives me that deathly glare he's only given to people he's hate.

Making my damn heart hurt.

" I'm so damn serious Freya look away." He seethes again.

" I could feel you...that's why I looked."

" Well stop. Block me. Do something then looking at me." He says quickly, his eyes still on me, his face reddening.

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