Letting Go Of The Past Part 5

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The final part of this section
My alternative end of SSD paris movie

Oliver was at the mailbox grille an hour before closing not a lot of people around except for few couples out on later dinner. He was waiting for Holly to arrive to discuss their marriage and find the answers to questions he have had. He was drinking ginger ale when he found Andrew the bartender enter the grille, He notices Oliver taps on the shoulder and asks,
"Hey there, Oliver right."
"Uhh.." Oliver forgot who this man was
Andrew reminded him, "Andrew the bartender from Joetown's resturant."
Oliver now he his memory refresh and shakes his hand and saids,
"Forgive a lot on my mind these days. So what are you doing here?"
"To see you, Holly, well I just got do meeting with Holly. Then later Shane all of you seem you in some guidance in this mess you are in.
"I'm sorry Andrew, but this mess I have is done your of concern."
"Oliver, I beg to differ and I'm surprise you have yet to figure it out yet. Oliver." He sighs getting to reveal huge secret.
"Oliver, do remember the first angel you, met Jordan."
Oliver stun looks at Andrew he sees a glow around him, Oliver asks him, "Are you an.."
"Yes I am sometimes I am called to be angel of death, but this time called has called me to help you, Holly and Shane understand something. "
Oliver said, "understand what."
"For people like you, Holly, and Shane, who love God and pray to him who believe in all of you think you must always to right be prefect but Oliver, you can do that it impossible for you for all to be prefect. Only God is prefect, he wants to know it is okay to make mistakes along the way in your life. Oliver God smiles upon you everyday for the do you for others. But Oliver God wants to do for yourself follow heart which is leading to the hardest decision you have had to make. Andrew got his pocket bible and tells Oliver a scripture
""Nothing can hide its evil as well as the human mind. It can be very sick, and no one really understands it. But I am the LORD, and I can look into a person's heart. I can test a person's mind and decide what each one should have. I can give each person the right payment for what they do.
Jeremiah 17:9-10"
Andrew gets out an old pocket watch and says "I must go, Holly, should coming in soon she has a lot to say to you and so do you. And besides Shane will be busy tonight hope you both tomorrow night at the club."
Oliver turns to say goodbye. Andrew passes by Holly as she enters the mailbox grille, Oliver notices them stopping as Andrew touches her shoulder and points him out she looks at Oliver and he could that she had been crying and she sits asks for a gin and tonic and tells
"So Andrew was here to visit you too?"
Oliver keeps his answers short, "Yes."
For strange reason he didn't want to be here for his heart was calling somewhere else. But Holly continue with her small chat
"He is a great guy. He reminds me of you, such his way with words saying what is in his heart."
Oliver says nothing Holly tries and pleas,
"Please Oliver, tell me what is in your heart, tell me, it is not me is it."
He shakes his no Holly starts to cry,
Oliver tells her, "I'm sorry but too much time has past we are different people and we want different things."
Holly adds, "And you want someone else. Shane right."
"Holly" wanted to explain
But Holly she needed the explanation
"No, I didn't for you to explain you see that why left hoping that I would be the one would come running for me and fight for me. You see Oliver, Andrew told Love is something that always finds you and when you are the verge of losing would do anything to get it back. You didn't come after me you just let me go. And I thank you for letting me be my own person be my own hero for once. And I am happy you found someone that pushes you makes you see better and funnier side of yourself."
She kisses him on the cheek and whispers
"Goodbye, Oliver."
Leaving her wedding rings behind in front of him he sighs take sip of his drink looks at him his wedding band strokes it and then he pulls it off his finger and lays his ring beside Holly wedding rings.
Shane was cleaning and closing up the DLO for the night she was greeted by Rita dress up and ready for her first official date with Norman who has yet to arrive. Shane looks at Rita as if she big sister sending her little sister off on her first date with a boy. Shane hugs Rita informing her,
"You look great, Rita, I am so happy for you."
"Thanks I am so nervous I have never been on a date before what if tries and kiss me Shane what must I do. "
Shane told her "Be yourself, and follow your heart."
DLO doors open to find norman topping in dress in suits with flowers in hands. Rita was glowing and smiling eager with excitement she walks over to him and saids,
"Good evening, Norman, you look handsome this evening."
"So do you" not thinking before he spoken shane tries not to giggle but Norman corrects himself,
"I mean you're beautiful, Rita."
"Why thank you, It's okay, I am nervous too."
"You are" norman asks
"But excited" Rita gleefully adds
Norman chuckles, "Me too" norman gives the flowers and says "these are for you hope you are allegeric."
"Oh no not at all, they are beautiful."
Shane walks over, to norman and Rita
And tells them, "okay you two lovebirds, I will take flowers and put them in some water, you guys can head while I wait for Oliver, we will meet you at the comedy club"
Norman asks "Where is Oliver anyway?" Rita slaps him in the stomach he coughs as Shane informs him,
"He is out for late dinner at the mailbox grille with Holly."
Norman said "oh my bad."
Rita sees shane is not all happy Oliver is not here so before she leaves she asks,
"Shane are you alright with Holly being back?"
Shane sighs, "Don't worry about me, Rita have fun with Norman tonight. You both deserve it."
Rita hugs shane before leaving her alone once again in DLO. While shane puts the flowers in water she hears the doors of the DLO open she turns looks around thinking it was Oliver she calls out no answer or sign of Oliver she goes back to desk shocked to see Andrew the bartender glow and she says,
"Andrew, why are you glowing like that?"
"Because Shane I am Angel sent by God to tell he loves you.."
Shane stood still says nothing her eyes roll back she faints onto the DLO floor. Andrew was surprised he never had a reaction like Shane's before he leans down tells,
"Shane, I know you are shock but you are not dreaming, God wants to know not the let the past dictate your future, your earthly father won't want to live that way he is happy you have a second family in your life who cares for you. He misses you your father, his sorry for leaving you behind and he forgives and knew and before he left this world he saw you that you came crying when you he was gone he told wish he could have said he needed to say but I am here saying it now. So you can move forward and be happy. I am sure Oliver will be here soon till then I will wait with you. You wake or Oliver arrives."
Oliver arrives 2 mins at the DLO to find Andrew the Angel beside Shane who was lying on the floor. Oliver rushes towards Shane asking her to wake up no response Oliver asks Andrew,
"Don't worry she is shocked didn't take it so well when I told her I was angel it was first for me."
Shane then wakes to Oliver peering over her,
"Shane are you alright?" Oliver asks
Shane sighed, "I'm fine but I had the strangest that angel was in the DLO And.." Shane turns she see Andrew the angel she is about to scream Oliver puts his over her, Oliver assures,
"He is really an angel, Shane, do not fear him for he will not hurt you."
Oliver lets go out Shane's mouth. Andrew stands up and tells them both,
"God is pleased with the both of you, he wants to be happy and now their always be trials long the way your relationship will be tested but if you let God lead you he will be there you stand you through those trials. Goodbye Oliver and Shane and may God bless you."
Andrew disappears in front of them Oliver lift shane up her feet she feels Oliver hands and shane asks
"Oliver did you..?"
"Yes, I did, " knowing that she knows his wedding ring is off his finger.
"What made you decide that?"
Oliver smirked and answered,
"A wise person that love is about willing to go after what is in your heart, and you are what is in my heart, Ms, McIenery."
He takes her kisses it. Shane is at lost for words and as Oliver said,
"Ma. McIenery would you like to accompany me on our first unofficial first date."
"I would love to, but when will be our first official date."
"When my divorce papers are signed sealed and delivered."
Shane tried not to laugh at Oliver's last line they walked out together and opening the door to their new future together

*next Thursday new segment till thank you

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