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January-February 2023

Monkey reappointed President again and again.

March-April 2023

Technically Monkey was still the highest in power but there was still an interregnum, or intermission of government.

May 1, 2023

(The following I am semi-confident because the source image was blurry.) Caleb gets 10 votes, beating Andrew who got 5. Dave gets 16 votes, beating Danny who got 4. George beats Dean. John gets 16 votes, beating Jacob who got 8. Mr. Snowy gets 16 votes, beating Mrs. Claus who got 10. Oreo gets 16 votes, beating Olaf. Sleepy gets 17 votes, beating Philip who got 9. Teddy gets 14 votes, beating Sparky who got 13. Dave beats Andrew, who got 7 votes. John beats George, who got 7 votes. Mr. Snowy gets 14 votes, beating Oreo who got 13. Teddy got 15 votes, beating Sleepy who got 12 votes. Dave got 14 votes, beating John who got 13. Mr. Snowy got 14 votes, beating Teddy who got 13. Dave got 14 votes, beating Mr. Snowy who got 13.

Dave was first undecided whether to pick Ruby or Sparky as Vice President but ended up picking both. Dave's presidency would end up being rated a 4 to 5 out of 5.

May 24, 2023

Updated list of rules for the NAFE (National Animal Fight(ing) Event):

- No biting.

- No kissing.

- No sleeping.

- No pinching.

- No scratching.

- No fake crying.

- No fighting before the match starts.

- If a wrestler is in the Out of Bounce (OOB) area for more than 2 seconds, they lose.

- Failure to obey rules after one warning will result in a disqualification.

- A match ends when a wrestler gives up because they are pinned or too weak to continue.

- No leaving the ring (no matter its shape) unless otherwise instructed.

- You cannot force the President, Vice President, or Chief of Parliament to fight if they don't want to.

- When the referee ends the match or calls a break, fighting will not continue unless another match starts or the break is over.

- The Parliament and President decide the rules. If they can't agree, then nothing is changed.

June 1, 2023

Dave is President again.

June 2, 2023

The fifth Fighting Event took place on June 2 and June 6, 2023, which was 240 days after the previous one and 1 day after Dave was reappointed President by the Parliament for June. With 28 participants, this event beats the previous fight as the biggest fighting event. The competition was between all of the current citizens of Animal Land (at the time). The fifth NAFE was scheduled for June 3, 2023, in honor of when the first NAFE happened. It was almost rescheduled for Late May although ended up commencing June 2 and finishing June 6, 2023.

This was the second competition where the tournament type was a Two Stage Tournament (exactly like the previous competition). Since there were 28 participants, it was efficient to go with 7 groups of 4 participants (and top 2 advance to Knock Out Stage). At one point, it was proposed that the animals should be more paired by size so the big animals wouldn't dominate every single group. That ended up not happening, so instead the participants were sorted alphabetically and then shuffled 3 times (like the fourth NAFE) — which is fairer. This competition was Almanzo's debut.

A few rules were updated on May 24, 2023. The Group Stage happened June 2 and the Final Knock Out Stage happened June 6. The animals who made it to Round 1 were: John, Sparky, Mozey, Mrs. Claus, Dean, Almanzo, Benjamin, Michael, Andrew, Leo, Dave, and Monkey. The animals who made it to the Quarterfinals were: Mr. Snowy (automatically advanced), Sparky, Mozey, Dean, Philip (automatically advanced), Benjamin, Andrew, and Monkey. The animals who made it to the Semifinals were: Sparky, Dean, Philip, and Andrew. Bronze Match (battle for third place) happened between Sparky (which surprised many) and Andrew, with Andrew winning. And at last, the Finale: Dean vs Philip (just like last year's), with the winner being ... Dean!

July 1, 2023

Parliament unanimously did a few minor changes. A few laws had punctuation and grammar updates, and Law III (3) was given an exception to let skip the wait so he could be appointed President (lol). Oh, and Mr. Pricklepants became President.

July 18, 2023

ANIMALLAND TURNS FIVE YEARS OLD!!! Celebration happens, I guess. So the past few months were kind of planned so that there could be 25 presidents, and AnimalLand officially unironically disbanding on its fifth-year anniversary. And that's kind of what happened. The President and Parliament of AnimalLand peacefully and patriotically disbanded the country of AnimalLand.


There was actually disagreement what the new name (of the continent) should be. There was many wanting Stuffyland, but many wanting something else like Stufftopia or Flufftopia or Fluffytopia or Fluffland or Fluffyland. It ended up being half changing their minds and putting it back to AnimalLand and half wanting it to be Stuffyland. For many months after July 2023, there was an interregnum (intermission of government), although the animals kinda agreed Mr. Pricklepants can basically be the head of state. Does that mean AnimalLand is still a country? Maybe. What in store for 2024? Probably not much, but time will tell.

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