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January 1, 2020

Continuing from what happened the previous day...

Firespeed is now Member 1 (Mayor), Dean is the Chief of Police (aka Sheriff or Police Chief, known here as Member 2), Leo is Member 3, and Monkey is Member 5. Mozey becomes President and Jacob becomes Vice President. The police are Dean, Andrew, and John. The animals celebrate!

This is how the Mayor election (Member 1) went: Firespeed beat Olaf, Michael beat Tiger, Leo beat Puff, Firespeed beat Leo, Michael beat Leo, and Firespeed beat Michael.

This is how the Member 3 election went: Monkey beat Andrew, Leo beat Olaf, Caleb beat john, Monkey beat Leo, Leo beat Caleb, and Leo beat Monkey.

February 1, 2020

Senate and President agree to hold off the February election, effectively "reelecting" (or reappointing) the President. Mozey's third presidency would be rated a 3 to 4 out of 5.

March 1, 2020

The Senate elects Caleb as President, and he picks George as his Vice President.

April 1, 2020

The Senate was going to allow a citizen-wide vote for President, but coronavirus entered the chat (lol). Caleb's first presidency would be rated a 4 out of 5.

May 1, 2020

The government kind of grows worried for some reason (again). Now they elect Andrew as President, and he chooses John as his Vice President. 

June 1, 2020

The election is almost canceled and postponed, but Andrew and John are reelected. Rumors and ideas spread about AnimalLand's government needing another change or just be outright abolished. The Senate has been on hold for like 5 months, some think it's best for it to dissolve. Andrew's presidency would be rated a 3 out of 5.

June 18, 2020

Many animals call up and make a meeting to decide again what to do about AnimalLand. Some are fed up and some are unsure. Mozey calls for a new era, a new dawn. The Senate is disbanded. A term changes to 2 months, but this can change as the citizens see fit (and they soon decided to change it back before the next election I guess).

June 23, 2020

Mozey successfully executes the plan to abolish and eradicate the money. Maybe some animals think Mozey may be going too far. Mozey and Dean call another meeting. Many suggestions came up, even every type of past government they had. There was also basically a history lesson so they can reanalyze everything (again but more epicer). They noticed it centered around group types of government:

- Big Complex (strong central)

BIG COMPLEX had many titles and spots. It was kind of hard to manage (huh, I wonder why).

- Small Simple, also called Small Complex (loose and easier to manage)

SMALL (SIMPLE) didn't have so many spots or places (around 3 main ones) and wasn't that hard to manage.

- Empire (such as dictatorships too)

EMPIRE was like and could be anything but under an emperor or leader that decides and manages everything.

All these three groups had a central leader and a Vice or Deputy. The citizens still mostly had a say or vote (except for emperor if they pleased). Each is possible, and that AnimalLand has experienced. Of course, it doesn't stop there and not everyone has the same opinion, but we need to get on as many same pages as possible.

July 1, 2020

Caleb is now President.

August 1, 2020

Caleb is still President.

September 1, 2020

Caleb is President again. Caleb's second presidency would be rated a 3 out of 5. (His Vice President this time was probably George.)

October 1, 2020

Wait, no election?

October 15, 2020

AnimalLand gathers and discusses (AGAIN). Some still argue there shouldn't be a government even, but the decision is held for AnimalLand to simply hold an election for President (who still picks Vice President). There still remains talk (for whatever reason) on if a term should be 1 or 2 months. They would leave that for whoever the next President is to decide.

Firespeed gets 11 votes, beating Dean who got 6 votes. John gets 11 votes, beating Anna who got 6 votes. Jacob gets 9 votes, beating Sleepy who got 8 votes. Michael gets 9 votes, beating Dave who got 8 votes. George gets 8 votes, beating Leo who got 7 votes. Ruby automatically advanced to the Quarterfinals. John drops out, advancing Firespeed to the Semifinals. Michael gets 9 votes, beating Jacob who got 6 votes. Ruby got 10 votes, beating George who got 7 votes. Michael got 9 votes, beating Firespeed who got 8 votes. Ruby got 9 votes, beating Michael who got 6 votes. And finally, Ruby got 9 votes, beating Michael who got 8 votes.

Everything actually seems fine. Some animals really didn't want Ruby as President (I wonder if it was because she was quite young, or that she was Anna's daughter, or that she was a female.) Ruby brings back currency, as Leo and Monkey are appointed representatives (one for the bigger animals and one for the smaller animals, elected by the citizens). Mozey is Chief of Police. Dean, Andrew, and John are the other cops. Construction of a bridge idea goes into process gets popular (not like they built it hundreds of times, but it gets destroyed). Ruby and Dave were sure waiting for this moment. What could go wrong?

A series of robberies occur (because why not) and the culprits are eventually revealed to be Eddy and Teddy. Suddenly, Leo starts does his own heist which soon fails. Is AnimalLand's fate growing worse? Out of nowhere, Andrew rebels, drawing AnimalLand into ... a Civil War?? And Anna also attacks! The fighting goes kind of brutal. It doesn't last long though. (Or is it??!!)

October 16–24, 2020

Things start really calming down within a week or so. Michael is picked as President (only temporarily until the next election). More discussions happen. Punishments are as follows (as least relating to politics):

Anna - Cannot run or vote on November 1,

Andrew - Cannot run or vote on November 1,

Teddy - Cannot run on November 1 but can vote,

Eddy - Cannot run on November 1 but can vote,

Ruby - Cannot run on November 1 except vote.

(There is a rumor that what happened in October 2020 was just a dream.) Ruby's presidency would be rated a [REDACTED] out of 5.

November 1, 2020

New election takes place. Caleb beats Dave, Firespeed beats Dean, Jacob beats John, and Michael automatically advances. Firespeed beat Caleb, Jacob beats Firespeed (or maybe he automatically advanced), and Michael beats Jacob (or maybe he also automatically advanced). Firespeed beats Jacob, Michael beats Jacob, and Firespeed beats Michael. There is a rumor that Michael didn't actually want to be President and wasn't trying. Michael was still kind of sad that he lost, although Firespeed picked him was Vice President.

November 5, 2020

A new citizen arrives at AnimalLand: Mookie! Firespeed does some law reestablishing (the records said "Firespeed fortifies and invigorates the laws").

December 1, 2020

Debate rises over what the updated punishment should be for the offenders of the October 15 conflict. Firespeed ultimately decides this: Andrew can't vote or run, but Anna can vote although not run. Some find it controversial. The projected winner is Firespeed.

Dean gets 10 votes, beating Dave who got 5. Firespeed gets 10 votes, beating George who got 5. Michael gets 10 votes, beating Michael who got 6. Dean and Firespeed automatically advance because Michael drops out. Firespeed gets 10 votes, beating Dean who got 4 votes. Firespeed picks Michael as Vice President again. Firespeed's second presidency would be rated a 5 out of 5.

December 11, 2020

New animals come to AnimalLand: Pete and Philip.

December 24, 2020

The third Fighting Event took place on December 24 and December 28, 2020, which was 441 days after the previous one and 23 days after Firespeed won the December 2020 Presidential election. With 21 participants, this was the biggest and most popular fighting event to date. The competition was between all of the standing current citizens of Animal Land that lived there for one month, leaving out Pete and Philip (for pretty obvious reasons). This was the only match where basically everyone was forced to participate (well, Timothy dropped out). (It's fair to say Michael got third place with how the tournament format back then took place). To win in this tournament, your opponent must forfeit or lose (knocked out or off the fighting ring) to you. The Semifinals and Finals would take place on December 28, 2020 (4 days later).

Andrew beat Anna (which was not easy), Dave beat Caleb, Dean beat Eddy, Firespeed beat George, Jacob beat John, Leo beat Lily, Michael beat Matthew, Monkey beat Mookie (which was not easy), Mozey beat Ruby, Sleepy beat Teddy, and Timothy dropped out. Andrew beat Dave, Dean beat Firespeed, Jacob beat Leo, Michael beat Monkey (which was not easy), and Mozey beat Sleepy (who was totally sleeping). Andrew beat Dean (which was not easy), Michael beat Jacob, Mozey automatically advanced. Andrew beat Michael (which was not easy) and Mozey beat Michael (which was not easy). Andrew and Mozey went on to the finals. By a close call, the winner was ... Mozey!

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