5 1 0

So yeah, Olaf was still King for quite some months.

April-June 2022

Animals start expressing interest and worry because they think it's time for a new King/President, or at least an election. They also plan to disconnect the Senates from the governmental system because it's just too much and not representative enough. They also want to expand the Parliament with more seats (or turn it into a Congress). Somewhere in June, Olaf has hand surgery and Mookie has nose surgery. New leader will officially be decided on July 1.

July 1, 2022

An election happens. Quite a few participate. Andrew gets 16 votes, beating Anna who got 4. Dave gets 11 votes, beating Caleb who got 7. George gets 10 votes, beating Dean who got 9. John gets 11 votes, beating Jacob who got 9. Monkey dropped out so Mr. Snowy advanced. Philip gets 16 votes, beating Olaf who got 4. Sleepy gets 11 votes, beating Ruby who got 10. Sparky gets 11 votes, beating Teddy who got 10. Dave gets 14 votes, beating Andrew who got 6. George gets 11 votes, beating John who got 10. Philip gets 12 votes, beating Mr. Snowy who got 9. Sparky gets 11 votes, beating Sleepy who got 10. George gets 12 votes, beating Dave who got 9. Sparky gets 11 votes, beating Philip who got 10. And the finale... Sparky gets 14 votes, beating George who got 7. Sparky picks Dave as Vice President. Sparky's presidency would be rated a 3 to 4 out of 5.

July 4, 2022

The PARLIAMENT is re-established and fixed (it's also 1 years old now, yay). The representatives from the 1st Parliament are moved to the 2nd one. It's decided there will be seven members this time, instead of 5. Benjamin and Michael are added - so that makes two small animals, two medium animals, and three big animals. The seven then appoint Benjamin as chairmen (or chairanimal), aka Chief (Speaker). The animals celebrate because yes.

 The animals celebrate because yes

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July 5, 2022

Dean is re-established as Chief Police. Andrew and Philip are the officers. Dean officially retires. Monkey, now Secretary/Treasurer, helps establish a currency system thing again. Rumors totally spread that there's totally a robber (things soon quiet down though).

August 1, 2022

Parliament votes 7-0 to not have a presidential election, thus appointing (or reelecting) Sparky.

September 1, 2022

Parliament votes 4-3 to not have a presidential election, so Sparky is President again.

October 1, 2022

Since July, four animals have joined AnimalLand: Oreo (a panda bear), Queeny (a bee), danny (a small bear), and Mrs. Claus (an adult bear (with clothes)). Parliament votes 7-0 to have a presidential election.

Andrew drops out so Anna advances. Danny beat Dave. George beat Dean. Mr. Snowy beat Monkey. Mrs. Claus and Olaf faced but forgot who won. Oreo and Philip faced but forgot who won. Queeny and Ruby faced but forgot who won. Sparky and Teddy faced but forgot who won. Danny beat Anna. Mr. Snowy beat George. Skipping two matches because forgot who won. Danny beat Mr. Snowy. Skipping a match and the finale because forgot who won. Danny (who unexpectedly won) picks Leo as Vice President. Danny's presidency would be rated a 4 out of 5.

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