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January 1, 2021

Andrew and Anna can vote and run now. Mookie can too. Pete and Philip gotta wait. Firespeed rules that you can't pick yourself (at least in important official elections). It's agreed for a new system to be tried (which would not age well). If there are three candidates left in the finals, then they would all three face (be on the ballot). The person with the most votes wins, and the results ending up being kinda surprising.

The winner based on the animals in Round 1 was expected to be Mozey. Andrew gets 3 votes, beating Anna who got 2. Firespeed gets 8 votes, beating Dave who got 4. Jacob gets 7 votes, beating George who got 4. John gets 7 votes, beating Matthew who got 4. Mookie gets 6 votes, beating Michael who got 6. Sleepy get 8 votes, beating Mozey who got 5. The winner based on the animals in Round 2 and 3 was expected to be Firespeed. Firespeed got 10 votes, beating Andrew who got 4. Jacob got 7 votes, beating John who got 5. Mookie got 8 votes, beating Sleepy who got 4. One record shows Firespeed and Jacob got 3 votes, with Mookie getting 4. Another record shoes Firespeed and Jacob got 4 votes, with Mookie getting 5.

January 2, 2021

Mookie picks John as Vice President. Mookie's presidency would be rated a 3 to 4 out of 5. The animals seem to end up being happy. AnimalLand turns 900 days old!

February 1, 2021

Pete and Philip can vote and run in elections now. The winner based on the animals in Round 1 was expected to be Michael. The winner based on the animals in Round 2 was expected to be Mookie or Pete. The winner based on the animals in Round 3 was expected to be Mookie.

Dave got 5 votes, beating Anna who got 1. George got 10 votes, beating John who got 8. Mookie got 11 votes, beating Michael who got 6. Pete got 12 votes, beating Philip who got 5. George got 14 votes, beating Dave who got 3. Mookie got 12 votes, beating Pete who got 11. And for the finale, Mookie got 8 votes, beating George who got 5. Mookie picked John as Vice President again.

February 21, 2021

Cat Mario visits from APU around this time. He says he is on an expedition to find other lands and came from one far away called APU. He goes to the capital (Starland) to discuss with officials of AnimalLand. He gets a call at one point and has to leave. (This visit is under question whether it's canon or not).

March 1, 2021

Dave gets 10 votes, beating Anna who got 0. John gets 6 votes, beating Jacob who got 5. Pete gets 8 votes, beating Philip who got 7. That three-on-the-ballot method of January 2021 was activated again this time. Dave got 5 votes, John got 4 votes, and Pete got 6 votes. Pete picks Dean (which is basically either his nephew or son) as Vice President. Pete's presidency would be rated a 3 out of 5.

March 4, 2021

Mookie announces and shows that he built a robot machine (like WALL-E). Also around this time, Olaf is found/comes back.

April 1, 2021

Anna gets 11 votes, beating Matthew who got 10. Pete gets 14 votes, beating Michael who got 6. And then, Pete gets 13 votes, beating Anna who gets 6. Pete picks Dean as Vice President again.

April 12, 2021

AnimalLand turns 1000 days old!!

May 1, 2021

The winner based on the animals in Round 1 was expected to be Olaf or Firespeed. The winner based on the animals in Round 2 was expected to be Olaf or Teddy. The winner based on the animals in Round 3 was expected to be Eddy or Dean. The winner based on the animals in Round 4 was expected to be Dean.

Anna got 12 votes, beating Caleb who got 9. Dean got 15 votes, beating Dave who got 8. Eddy got 13 votes, beating Firespeed who got 11. George got 15 votes, beating Leo who got 10. Matthew got 12 votes, beating Michael who got 11. Olaf got 18 votes, beating Pete who got 5. Philip got 18 votes, beating Sleepy who got 5. Teddy automatically advanced. Dean got 18 votes, beating Anna who got 0. Eddy got 13 votes, beating George who got 7. Matthew dropped out. Olaf advances. Teddy for 16 votes, beating Philip who got 5. Dean got 15 votes, beating Eddy who got 7. Olaf got 12 votes, beating Teddy who got 11. Olaf got 16 votes, beating Dean who got 4. Olaf picked NO ONE as Vice President. Olaf's presidency/leadership would be rated a 4 to 5 out of 5.

May 22, 2021

Teddy and Eddy come back from a kinda long break/vacation.

June 1, 2021

Olaf is appointed president, still not having a Vice President.

July 1, 2021

The election is postponed, and Olaf is appointed President again, but the animals don't expect it to be permanent. AnimalLand discusses (yet yet again again) what to do to possibly fix or reform the government with the deadline being a week.

July 4-7, 2021

AnimalLand decides to reform into a constitutional monarchy for the official first time. Ironically, the main reason for this was to not worry and waste time with such things of the government, like election. And soon 5 groups are drawn up to become Senates. They would elect each a representative to be the Parliament. These top leaders would serve for life until their either die, resign, are replaced, are impeached, or can't do their duty. The Senates can customize and make their own elections within their group. If they can't or won't decide on something, then the decision is up to the Parliament, also known as the Supreme Court. Olaf is declared the (first) King. A second-in-command, or duke/archduke, is thought about but ruled optional. It's expected and quite possible to finally see more laws and events in the near future.

 It's expected and quite possible to finally see more laws and events in the near future

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July 12, 2021

After a council gathering, Olaf announces the 4th NAFE matches will be mixed and sorted more fairly, kinda promising for it to happen this month. Sadly, and almost unsurprisingly, the big event doesn't even happen.

October 19, 2021

Mr. Snowy, a snowman, comes to AnimalLand.

December 24, 2021

Two animals show up to AnimalLand, Benjamin (a spider monkey who happens to be Andrew's brother) and Sparky (a black lab dog).

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