The Noxious Avenger

Start from the beginning

"He's not dangerous!" I exclaimed. 

"No. Until I decide I can trust you to watch yourselves, you will remain here, grounded!" Otōsan stated. 

"Aww..." My brothers whined. 

"Aw, yeah. Crognard marathon." Mikey said. 

Otōsan struck the TV's screen with his cane.

"And no TV!" Otōsan stated. 

I was in my room with Phoenix when my brothers came into my room and told me that we were sneaking out to look for Muckman. 

"Guys, this is a plan will definitely, without a doubt come back to bit you in the shell." I said as I stayed in my room and took a nap. 

I wake up in an unfamiliar room and I was not in control of my own body. That's when Shredder showed up and he smiled at me, evilly.

"Well, my darling niece, I'm glad that we finally came to an understanding and you finally understand where you truly belong." Shredder stated.

"Yes, Uncle Saki." I said, but my mind was going crazy.

"Release her." Shredder ordered Stockman and he did so. 

I stood up and walked up to Shredder and he puts a hand on my shoulder. 

"I think it's time we get rid of your ex-family, don't you agree?" Shredder asked and I nodded. 

We walked into the dojo of Shredder's lair and I saw my parents and Karai in Foot clan ninja suits, while the boys, April, Casey and Otōsan were locked up in cages.

"Y/n! Thank the pizza lord you're here! You have to get us out of here!" Mikey exclaimed.

"Like I would help you turtle scum." I said and in my head I was shocked at what was coming out of my own mouth.

"Y/n, what's wrong with you? What did you do to her, Shredder?" Leo asked.

"I did nothing to her. We finally came to an understanding and now she's with her real family and so is Karai." Shredder stated.

"Y/n, please! You're brainwashed, my child." Otōsan pleaded.

"Shut your mouth, rat, or I'll shut it for you." I threatened.

Then scene changes to the docks and I was fighting my brothers, April and Casey.

"Please, N/n, don't do this. I don't wanna hurt you!" Casey exclaimed as I kept trying to slice him with my katanas.

"Oh you're wrong there, I wanna hurt you!" I exclaimed as I plunged my katana into his abdomen and he fell to the ground.

"CASEY!" April and Raph exclaimed in unison, then Raph attacked me, but I kept dodging his attacks.

But then, Leo knocked my katanas out of my hands and pinned me to the ground.

"Y/n, please. This isn't you. This isn't the Y/n Hamato we know." Leo stated.

"You're right, I'm not Y/n Hamato. I'm Y/n Oroku, niece of the Shredder, princess of the Foot Clan and the daughter of F/n and M/n Oroku!" I exclaimed as I kicked Leo off me and sent him flying into a wall. 

"Y/n, please! You're like a sister to me. I don't wanna hurt you!" April exclaimed.

"Like I would ever be the sister of weak human like you!" I exclaimed as my kunai went flying at her and got her in the abdomen.

"Y/n, my child!" Otōsan said.

I turn to face him and we start fighting. I landed a few good hits on him, but he still stood strong.

"Why won't you just die already?!" I screamed as both my katanas went through his abdomen and he screamed out of pain. 

I look into his eyes and smirked.

"Now, Hamato Yoshi, you will die!" I screamed as I rip my katanas out of him and kick him to the floor.

"Well done, my niece. You're finally where you're meant to be!" Shredder stated as he and I started cackling.

I screamed as I woke up and realized it was just a dream. Phoenix laying beside me and purring softly. Otōsan, Mother, Father and Karai came into the room and I told them about what happened in my nightmare, through tears. 

They hugged me tight, telling me that they loved me and that they won't let that dream become a reality. 

"Shredder won't touch you as long as we are still breathing, my little angel." Mother said as she wiped my tears away. 

"Thank you; you always know what to say, but I can't help but have these nightmares of what I fear might happen. But I can't focus on what might happen or I'll miss out on what will happen." I stated, quoting Karai.  

In the dojo, Otōsan scolds my brothers for their disobedience.

"So, you disobey me and leave the lair." Otōsan stated. 

"No one saw us, sensei. We swear." Mikey said.  

"Look, we fixed everything." Leo stated. 

"Turtle mutants? Naw, no such thing. Maybe you're thinkin' of those kids who dress up in costumes, like The Pulverizer. Take it from me, Muckman, New York's monster hero." Muckman stated. 

"And there you have it, folks, straight from Muckman himself. The turtle mutants do not exist." Joan stated. 

Otōsan looks at the news while stroking his goatee. The boys sigh in relief, knowing that they won't have to worry about the reporters.

"See, sensei? We're all cool." Raph said. 

"Everything's back to normal. Nothing to worry about." Donnie said. 

"So that means we can watch Crognard again, right?" Mikey asked. 

"No, you are still grounded." Otōsan stated as he  knocks each boy with a hit. 

The boys groan in pain, because this is not the reaction they've been looking for.




Hey, my little ninjas!

Clash of the Mutanimals is coming on Saturday! 

I love you guys so much! 


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