28: A Path Towards Forgiveness

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As the adrenaline from Luffy's fierce battle with Arlong slowly ebbed away, the Straw Hat crew gathered outside the doctor's office, waiting anxiously for news of their captain and swordsman.

"He's at it again," Usopp remarked, wincing at the distant echoes of Zoro's agonized cries emanating from within.

Naruto's brow furrowed with concern as he turned to Usopp. "Do you think Zoro will be alright?"

Usopp sighed heavily, shoulders sagging with the weight of worry. "The doctor mentioned it could take up to two years for him to fully recover."

"And yet he still insists on moving around," Sanji interjected with a shake of his head, his cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth.

"Eh, he'll be fine," Naruto declared with conviction. "Zoro's the strongest guy I know!" Rising to his feet, he stretched his limbs with a determined grin.

Usopp's brows arched in surprise. "Where are you going?" he asked.

A determined glint sparked in Naruto's eyes as he squared his shoulders. "I'm gonna go train!" he announced.

"But what about the party the town's planning?" Usopp interjected.

Naruto's grin widened. "Tell Luffy I'll catch up with him later," he declared. "Right now, I've got some serious work to do!"

With a swift nod and a wave, Naruto bolted off into the distance, his form quickly swallowed by the lush greenery of the forest as he disappeared from view.

"Does that kid ever stop training?" Sanji pondered aloud, his gaze lingering on the spot where Naruto had vanished.

Usopp chuckled softly, shaking his head in resigned amusement. "Not since I've known him," he replied.

"I see," Sanji murmured thoughtfully.


Naruto found a clearing at the edge of town that was perfect for serious training.

"Alright! Let's do this!" Naruto yelled as he created 100 shadow clones.

"Yes, boss!" The clones yell.

"Okay, everyone! Although we made lighting while we fought Zabuza, that doesn't mean we should stop training! We don't stop until we can make a light shoot out, or do the figures get it?" Naruto yelled.

"Yosh!" The clones yell.

Naruto grinned. "Alright, let's have a full-on fight!" he yelled. "The last Naruto standing gets to go to the party!"

"Alright! Party!" The clones yelled.

"Ready...set...Go!" Naruto yelled as the clones all charged at each other at once.

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