Chapter 11 - I'm Feeling Right Knackered

Start from the beginning

"Remind me again why I'm the one who's running and you aren't," I said to Connor as I sat beside him, resting.

"Because you seemed more athletic than I am," he said as he showed me his muscles again. I laughed at his humbleness and surprisingly, he laughed with me too.

"Quiet down there," Xavier said when he turned around to us then went back his attention to the kids.

I gave Connor a look and he did the same to me.

"What's up with him?" I asked. He just shrugged his shoulders but his face says something different.

"You know it, didn't you?" I insisted.

"I'm not sure, better safe than make mistake." He said nonchalantly, trying to ignore my question. This acting plot is getting more interesting.

"Just say it. It doesn't matter if you're not sure. He won't know what you'll say, anyway," I said.

I want to know what's up with Xavier's sleeves today. He was acting quite... less arrogant. I know he's being acting all humble and very appreciative to me but I'm not used to his kindness like what he did when he offered to massage my ankle. Yikes, that doesn't sound right.

"Ithinkheisusinghischarmsthatheusuallyusetogirls," Connor mumbled.

"What?" I gave him a confused look.

"Nothing. If you didn't heard it, sorry. I'm not saying it twice," He turned away from me and I can see that his face started to look the way how he would look like whenever I made him angry. I followed his gaze and saw him looking at Xavier.

I was confused at his mood. At first he was all ignoring me then he started to open up to me, which isn't a problem to me because I don't want to be bored to death here, then he started to help me out about Xavier's attitude then next second he was icy cold. This is way too suspicious.

I let out a groan and forget about the topic. I don't think it is worth to push him more when I know he's not going to say anything else. I fold up my long sleeves and made my hair all fall to the right side so I can get feel the wind touching my neck.

I tried to figure out what he mumbled a while ago. It was something like he was using his charms to get something. But it obviously wasn't since Xavier doesn't need anything from me. I mean, look at me. I'm not like any girl Xavier flirts with. I wear nothing like skirts or sleeveless shirts or wear any make-up. Nope. I don't curl or rebond my hair like the other girls.

Since it was no use on thinking about what I thought Connor said, I dropped the subject and moved on.

"Why are you being so cool?"

"Huh? You think I'm cool?" He then turned his attention to me.

"Yeah, at one minute you were explaining to me then you turned into ... Cool," I explained.

"You think I'm really cool?" he asked one more time.

"Wait. No! Not that 'cool' I mean, winter cool. You acted so cold suddenly," I clarified. Whenever I say "cool" to Reese or Clarissa, they always know I meant "cold."

"Why, are you concerned about Mr. Coolest-Guy-In-The-World?" Connor gave me a smug look.

"For crying out loud, I am not. Believe me," I scoffed. Seriously, did he really think for a moment that I would call someone like him cool? Yeah right. Pfft. No matter how kind he was to me today for talking to me, I still don't trust him.

"Then why are you blushing," he teased me.

"I am not. Liar!" I pointed at his nose. "Anyway, don't change the subject."

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