Chapter 48 - Sixth sense's warning

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Hello, dear readers! Here's chapter 48! What is that mysterious and dangerous feeling...?

Because I didn't post anything last week, you'll get chapter 49 a few minutes after this chapter goes live.

See ya next chapter!


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For those interested, I'm also writing a fanfiction in the world of Marvel with a lot of elements from The Knight's Multiverse:

'Ben Parker, a former Special Forces' Team Captain, husband of May Parker and uncle of Peter Parker, with three Perks granted to him by an unknown entity, will have to grow his cultivation along his loved ones and teammates while navigating the Earth, a planet full of interesting but dangerous secrets.


Damovotsk, Molkovia, Earth.

Demian's P.O.V.

With the car parked, the two quickly took the elevator until, a few short minutes later, they finally walked through the entrance of their apartment, where they spotted the two sisters seated on the couch while watching TV. Noticing their arrival, the two girls quickly stood up and dashed in their direction. Arriving close, Bryn swiftly observed them from head to toe before letting out a relieved sigh while Sera asked worriedly. "How did it go?" Chuckling lightly, Demian exclaimed. "Don't worry! Everything went well! More than well, actually. Although, it was a bit strange."

Shaking her head with an exasperated look on her face, the petite redhead replied. "Can you be even more vague?" Amused at her question, he retorted. "Let's sit and we'll tell you everything. Alright?" The two sisters nodded and followed Demian and Adeliya to sit on the couches before Adeliya started recounting their previous experiences up until they exited the bar. After finishing her story, everyone fell silent, with the young man and his Aunt letting her words sink into the other two's minds. After a moment, Sera commented. "We're lucky that the man you met was friendly." Shaking her head, she added. "Why doesn't one of you read us the information about Petrovich?"

"I'll do it." Demian replied as his hand moved toward the unnamed book lying on the table. Opening it, he quickly skimmed through it bringing a light of realization to his eyes, followed by some complicated emotions. His inner feelings were surely visible to the others as Adeliya asked, puzzled. "What is it? Why are you making that face?" Closing the book, the young man let out a sigh while wearing a wry smile. Turning toward the three women after a brief moment, he answered. "I finally know why we've been targeted by that scum. The reason is... Ridiculous..." His words cut out as he shook his head, confused about what he was supposed to think.

Sera, who was sitting beside him, tapped gently on his thigh while insisting. " Come on, Babe. You can't leave us in suspense like that. We want to know." Her words cut through the haze obscuring his thoughts, eliciting a prompt response from him. "Right! Sorry about that. I got a bit overwhelmed for a second." Pausing for a brief moment to think about how to sum everything up, he then started to explain. "We were actually right when we thought that Petrovich was not the one who wanted to mess with us. Or at least, he only did it under someone else's order. That someone is Valentin Danilov. And the reason why he wanted to mess with us is because of my father..." His words stunned Adeliya while the others only looked perplexed.

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