Chapter 44 - Mid-Master Rank

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Hello, dear readers! Here's chapter 44! We're getting closer to the cultivation proper.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

See ya Friday for the second weekly free chapter!


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For those interested, I'm also writing a fanfiction in the world of Marvel with a lot of elements from The Knight's Multiverse:

'Ben Parker, a former Special Forces' Team Captain, husband of May Parker and uncle of Peter Parker, with three Perks granted to him by an unknown entity, will have to grow his cultivation along his loved ones and teammates while navigating the Earth, a planet full of interesting but dangerous secrets.


Damovotsk, Molkovia, Earth.

Demian's P.O.V.

He already had some guesses about his current power level, however, her words made him plainly realize how 'crazy' his sudden power-up was. "Mid Master Rank..." He mumbled dazedly. His shock was swiftly interrupted by the voice of his Aunt who asked. "You said earlier that you felt like you broke through yesterday afternoon. What was that about?"

Shaking his head to wake himself up, he responded while trying to remember what happened the previous day. "I... I was with Sera on the beach and... I think I had some kind of mental realization... Mmhh... Right! It was about how worried I'd been the last few weeks and the stress was starting to get to me. But when I saw the peaceful scene of the waves washing on the sandy beach, it felt like all that worry vanished, leaving my mind completely relaxed..."

Focusing his gaze back to the three girls, he continued. "That's when I felt something change in my body and my strength increased by a lot. Or at least, that's the sensation I got. I didn't get to test it much and since I get stronger every day, it could have been my imagination."

Nodding her head, his mature Aunt replied. "So, by having some kind of mental breakthrough, you've also become physically stronger... I wonder if it's also applicable to normal people or if it's simply because of your physical perk..." She pondered for a second before her train of thought was interrupted by the youngest redhead. "Actually, Mom. I think I know what happened. Or at least I've got some inklings."

With an intrigued look on her face, the middle-aged woman demanded. "Tell me, then. I'm really curious." Nodding her head, Sera answered. "It should have something to do with an Asian concept called enlightenment. I've heard of it a lot from the novels I read in the past." Demian confirmed her words by saying. "That's what I thought too."

Before her mother could ask the obvious question, the young woman continued. "It's a special state of mind that can help one breakthrough to a higher level of strength, or understand a certain technique that was previously too complicated." With a thoughtful look on her face, the female doctor commented. "That's fascinating. Hopefully, I'll be able to study that phenomenon in the future..."

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