10 -It Begins

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It's been at least 4 1/2 hours since the departure. The Cookies are all chatting with eachother, whilst others are looking from the deck for Shadow Caviar Castle, Captain Ice Cookie being the main one to do it. But suddenly, a small time rift appears in the centre, and out jumps... String Gummy Cookie. He quickly walks up to Sour Grape Cookie

Sour Grape Cookie: ...String Gummy? Why're you here?

String Gummy Cookie: The Director had sent me to assist and watch over you. She didn't seem so... pleased that you left.

Sour Grape Cookie: I see. How much are you willing to bet that she likes me?

String Gummy Cookie: We have no meaning for that banter. Focus on the mission, assasin.

Sour Grape Cookie laughs, and the two sit down. Up on the higher, steering area of the ship, Pure Vanilla Cookie and White Lily Cookie were with Captain Ice Cookie, who was scouring the sea for the castle.

Pure Vanilla Cookie: See anything, Captain?

Capt. Ice Cookie: Not yet. I have a feeling we're close, though.

White Lily Cookie: Well... we should be there soon, correct? It's been at least four hours at this point..-

Capt. Ice Cookie: Hold on... I see something...

He looks closer into his binoculars, and sees it. A giant, black castle just by the shoreline a mile or two away. That was it..! It was Shadow Caviar Castle!

He immediately rushes down to the deck, yelling at the top of his lungs;


The Cookies immediately get their weapons & supplies ready, Alchemist Cookie handing most of them one Divine Purification potion to cure Avarius Cookie's followers.

But from the Castle's balcony, Avarius Cookie saw them, too. But he looked... different. He was no longer in Espresso Cookie's body, but resembled his past, original body from the Chaos of Iron Flame. Espresso Cookie stood next to him, also infected.

Espresso Cookie: My leige, they are nearing the castle.

Avarius Cookie: Of course, Mr. Obvious. Get everyone down to the shoreline and make them be ready. And leave some to defend the coffarigus that Golden Cheese Cookie is in.

Without a second thought, Espresso Cookie rushed into the throne room, and sprinted down the castle with many of the followers. Avarius Cookie, on the other hand, simply levitate down from the balcony to the shoreline.

A cannonball suddenly shoots from the ship, most likely orders from Captain Ice Cookie. But he simply blasts it down with a beam of magic from his palm, destroying it before it collides with the castle.

Within ten minutes, the ship is docked at the lower part of the shoreline, so everyone can get off uninjured. And once they do get off... it was almost on sight. The recruits and the followers charge at eachother, Pure Vanilla Cookie, who had gotten a power boost thanks to the unexpected assistance of Shadow Milk Cookie, aims straight for Avarius Cookie himself, the two clashing. The two fire magic, kicks and punches until breaking up, standing 10 feet apart.

Pure Vanilla Cookie: Avarius Cookie! This will be the day. The day you fail in returning to your glory!

Avarius Cookie: Oho, what makes you say that? Perhaps you know a thing or two about me?

Pure Vanilla Cookie: groan Much more! Shadow Milk Cookie and I conversed in my slumber, and I know what you've done in your past! You had killed, enslaved, and stole from many cookies, and much more! Your evil will be punished!

Avarius Cookie: Pah! If I'm really as  evil as you say I am, then let the Sugar Swan strike me down where I stand.

As if on que, a colorful bolt of lightning strikes him. ...but he barely feels it. Cockily, he yells into the air, "Hah! Nice try, jackass! Give it your best next time!"

Pure Vanilla Cookie grew sick of it, and charged at him again, thus beginning their battle once more.

By the back entrance of the Shadow Caviar Castle, Dark Cacao, Caramel Arrow, and Cruchy Chip Cookie were moving into the castle with one goal in mind:

Save Golden Cheese Cookie, whatever it takes.

Cookie Run: Kingdom - The Avarius Being Where stories live. Discover now