9 -Night Before & Day of Departure

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It was a dim, cloudy night over Earthbread. The next day, Pure Vanilla Cookie and the Cookies he had recruited would head to the abandoned Shadow Caviar Castle in hopes of defeating Avarius Cookie. But before they could start, they would all need a good night's rest.

Sour Grape Cookie stood on the balcony of the Vanilla Castle, letting his thoughts sink in for the night. He at least wanted some action throughout the ordeal, and maybe some kind of payment...

As he was thinking of this, a small wormhole of sorts opened beside him, and Timekeeper Cookie, the TBD's main director, jumps out of it.

Timekeeper Cookie: Sour Grape. Are you sure you should be doing this?? I know you've wanted more battle and all, but I could've sent you back in time to battle some strong foes, you know? The TBD's 'hitman' should be sticking to his contract!

Sour Grape Cookie: sigh Look, I know you can do that. But what this is, it may actually make this place somewhat safer, okay? And come on, you know that I'm not much of a rule follower.

Timekeeper Cookie: ...Fine. Then you better use that timeskip to good use, you hear me?! That ability has limited charges, so use it when you need it, don't spam it! Oh, and be grateful that I even gave it to you in the first place! Sorry I'm being so mad, I've been more... aggravated to say the least.

Sour Grape Cookie: scoffs You know I'm smarter than to spam it. Have some faith in me, okay? I don't know why you're so attached to me out of every TBD member...

That final statement makes her blush a bit, and she hops back in the time rift as it closes.

Within the recruits' bunk, there wasn't exactly enough space for everyone. Some Cookies(Black Pearl, Knight, Rebel Cookie) preferred to sleep on the floor for that night. Captain Ice Cookie was jn his ship outside on the docks, sleeping in its own bunks, which he found more comfortable. Capsaicin Cookie was on the fire-resistant bed(for obvious reasons), along with Kouign-Amann Cookie, who had joined him for comfort before they potentially had to fight their best friend, Prune Juice Cookie. Everyone else was asleep in their own beds.

Sour Grape Cookie climbed into his own bed, which was in the far corner. Just as he turned around, he felt a nudge behind him.

...it was Starfruit Cookie.

Sour Grape Cookie: ...Do you need something...?
He said, a bit confused and aggravated

Starfruit Cookie: Perhaps I could... join you tonight? Yawn

He only nods, allowing her to sleep beside him. He wasn't that aware of her subtleness...

In Pure Vanilla Cookie's chamber, he slept with White Lily Cookie peacefully beside him, their daughter, Pure Lily Cookie in their own little crib. But in his dream, Pure Vanilla Cookie was presented with Shadow Milk Cookie.

Pure Vanilla Cookie: ...Great. What kind of lies and deceit do you wish to present? Any taunting?!

Shadow Milk Cookie: Hey, hey. Can we be... genuine for a second? I know a bit about the 'enemy' you're faced with, and a bit of their origin...

Pure Vanilla Cookie: Tch. And why should I trust you of all cookies?!

Shadow Milk Cookie snaps his fingers, and the environment turns into that of decades ago... during the Chaos of Iron Flame. It showed not the Beast Cookies, but someone else. They were a normal-skinned, white haired Cookie, but had red eyes and lines across their face... wore a black bodysuit, gold shoulder plates, boots, and arm braces.

Pure Vanilla Cookie: ....Who is this cookie?

Shadow Milk Cookie: That's who you are up against, long ago. Not even we liked him. He was nearly as strong as us, so we sealed him away into a red shard, which Eternal Sugar Cookie hid deep within underground ruins. When I fought him, he didn't seem like a good guy. More so, he was... trying to overthrow us of sorts. He was one of, if not the greatest Conqueror of that time...

Pure Vanilla Cookie: That... is Avarius Cookie? I... this is the only, and I mean ONLY time...

That I will trust you.

They both nod at eachother in cooperation.

That next morning, all of the recruits were getting onto Captain Ice Cookie's ship, as well as loading crates of Stamina Jellies and Star Candies onto it. One crate was especially fragile: the one what had the Divine Purification Potions. Clotted Cream Cookie, along with Financier Cookie, approach White Lily Cookie, who was just about to get on the ship, and still and Pure Lily Cookie in her arms.

Clotted Cream Cookie: I appreciate the privilege that you have given us to watch over the Vanilla Castle while you are gone. Anything more you must request of me, White Lily Cookie?

White Lily Cookie looked at him, at Pure Lily Cookie, then at him again. Her face then lit up, a smile on her face. She then handed Pure Lily Cookie to him.

Clotted Cream Cookie: W- wha-?! Hey, what are you saying here??

White Lily Cookie: Watch over her too, Uncle Clotted! Heheh...

Pure Lily Cookie tugged on Clotted Cream's vest, laughing

Financier Cookie: I think she likes you, consul.

Clotted Cream Cookie: W- White Lily!! This wasn't a part of the deal we had!

White Lily Cookie walked up onto the ship, where Captain Ice Cookie  and everyone else were waiting. As she waved back at him, and Captain Ice Cookie gave the order to lower the sails, Clotted Cream Cookie would yell:

Clotted Cream Cookie: HEY!! I'M A CONSUL, NOT A BABYSITTER!!!

Pure Vanilla Cookie would approach her.

Pure Vanilla Cookie: You truly trust him with our daughter?

White Lily Cookie: Of course, dear. He is trustworthy, and he can hopefully give her some entertainment!

Pure Vanilla Cookie: Okay, then. Well, everyone gather around! I have stories to tell as we sail along!

Some Cookies joined him and White Lily as they moved somewhere to tell stories to pass the time, as the ship began sailing.

And with that, within 5 hours, the battle with Avarius Cookie and his followers would begin..!

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