7 -Recruitment Continues

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"Starfruit Cookie? You here?"

Our heroes that were gathering heroes for the battle against Avarius Cookie were at the temple near the Nebula Spring, in search of Startfruit Cookie, one of the Cookies that R. Marguine had recommended.

As Pure Vanilla Cookie and Sour Grape Cookie call her name out, Starfruit Cookie walks out of the temple, approaching our 4 heroes.

Starfruit Cookie: Greetings... what brings you to me..?

Pure Vanilla Cookie: Well... you see..-

Royal Marguine Cookie: There's this cookie/experiment thing that's going to conquer all of Earthbread and can control other cookies/become them. I feel like you'll be a great help for this situation...

Starfruit Cookie: ... Yes. I've been hearing about this situation myself, but I've felt hesitant to take action. I felt as if I was the only one aware of this, but it appears that I wasn't. I'll gladly join you...

Pure Vanilla Cookie: That's great! Will you join us on gaining more cookies for this situation?

Starfruit Cookie: ... I will. I'll gladly be a part of your voyage.

Startfruit Cookie joins the gang as they head to the next destination: the Cookie Kingdom harbor.

As they walk through the harbor, Black Pearl Cookie is looking envious at all of the ships, thinking of sinking them right here, right now...

But Sour Grape Cookie gives her the 'Don't even think about it' glare.

Sour Grape Cookie: Hey, hey. Don't get those thoughts. You can go back to boat sinking after we're done with this situation, okay? We have bigger fish to fry!

Black Pearl Cookie: Hmph! Fine! Why do I allow you to boss me around...

The 5 eventually get to one of the special ships docked, one that looks nearly frozen. And near it is Captain Ice Cookie, who was getting supplies loaded up onto it.

Pure Vanilla Cookie: Hello, Captain.

Captain Ice Cookie: Hm? Oh, Pure Vanilla Cookie? It's the first time I've seen you in the flesh. What brings you to the harbor?

As Pure Vanilla Cookie gives Captain Ice Cookie the rundown of the situation, Starfruit Cookie and Sour Grape Cookie begin to talk more. This isn't favorable to Black Pearl Cookie, who isn't liking someone else talking to her favorite assasin...

Captain Ice Cookie: So... we're dealing with an experiment-turned-conqueror? That's rather unusual... but I'll lend you a ship from my fleet if you need it. I'll bring one of my ships to the Vanilla Kingdom harbor, so it'll be ready when needed.

Pure Vanilla Cookie: Thank you, Captain Ice Cookie. We shall make a good use with your assistance.

Finally, for the last one that R. Marguine Cookie recommended, Rebel Cookie. The group of 5 had made it to the large mountain where it was said Rebel Cookie dwelled. Once they got up there, they say him, meditating on one of his clouds. Pure Vanilla Cookie approached the meditating Cookie, the cloud lowered down, so the two would be eye level.

Rebel Cookie: Ah, an ancient hero has came to visit me? I can sense that you have others with you. Have you any requests for me? Trust me, I'll be able to finish it fast!

Pure Vanilla Cookie gives him the usual rundown, and Rebel Cookie accepts to join in before he could even finish. This wasn't that surprising, due to Rebel Cookie's nature for fighting injustice and protecting innocents at any offer or cost.

Back at the Vanilla Kingdom, the group were just arriving, and as they were entering, White Lily Cookie rushed to Pure Vanilla Cookie with some news to share.

Pure Vanilla Cookie: Oh? Anything interesting to share, White Lily?..

White Lily Cookie: Mhm! We've gotten more recruits for the battle, so far.

Pure Vanilla Cookie: That's great news! We'll need just enough to take this evil being on. Though he isn't Dark Enchantress Cookie level of dangerous, I have a feeling that he's much stronger than told...

The 3 newest recruits were led by Black Raisin Cookie to a new room for the people who chose to join the battle, which seemed newly implemented/built. Rebel Cookie took note of the place, and the Cookies within it. But two people caught his eye. Capsaicin Cookie and Kouign-Amann Cookie, two famous cookies known for competing in the Triple Cone Cup. Though, Kouign-Amann was crying and Capsaicin was seemingly comforting her...

Rebel Cookie: Hey... is she okay?

Capsaicin Cookie: ...Not really. Her- our best friend, Prune Juice Cookie has been uh... well, forced to Avarius Cookie's side, and she is heartbroken. And I mean it.

He says, whilst brushing her hair in a comforting way, as her tears drip and leak onto the floor. Rebel Cookie, seeing this, now realizes the magnitude of the situation, and how it's effecting other cookies.

This was truly something not to be ignored...

Cookie Run: Kingdom - The Avarius Being حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن