4 -Attack on the Golden Kingdom

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Avarius Cookie and 3 of his 'followers,' Mala Sauce, Matcha, and Affogato Cookie were making their way to the Golden Cheese Kingdom, to not only attack it, but to possibly defeat Golden Cheese Cookie herself, to make his intentions very clear. Though, they had to get past Burnt Cheese and Fettuccine Cookie, the guards of the gates to the kingdom.

As they approach, Burnt Cheese already looks concerned, not liking how the approaching cookies look. He jumps down from the gate with Fettuccine Cookie, and moves in front of them.

Burnt Cheese Cookie: State your business here. Or else I may not let you pass.

Avarius Cookie: Why, we're here to do a little... visit per say...

Fettuccine Cookie: They... don't look... friendly...

Burnt Cheese Cookie now notices the red glow in their eyes. He yells, "No, I will not allow entry to the kingdom for you 4! Leave at once, or I shall make you!"

Avarius Cookie does a gesture, seemingly a command. Mala Sauce Cookie then swings her mace across the faces of both cookies, which initates a battle between them. Thanks to a distraction from Affogato Cookie, the 4 were able to defeat the two, sending them crashing into a pillar of the gates, both of them being knocked out cold.

Avarius Cookie: Your trickery will be rewarded, Affogato.

Affogato Cookie: Thank you, my leige. I'll continue, if it means more gratitude.

The 4 would walk through the gates and enter the kingdom, no guards left to stop them...


Once they enter, Avarius Cookie gives the orders to attack. And the 3 do just that, ransacking buildings, vehicles, and other forms of protection of encapsulment. Civilians and warriors would try to stop them, but their efforts would be futile due to the power boost Avarius Cookie's followers had due to their corruption...

Soon enough, a yellow light would emerge from the Golden pyramid in the distance. It would come flying to the street of the kingdom they are at, and Golden Cheese Cookie lands in front of Avarius Cookie.

Golden Cheese Cookie: What in the name of Earthbread is going on here!?

Avarius Cookie: Why, what do you think? I'm here to make my intentions of being the greatest ruler of Earthbread's history known, starting here!

Golden Cheese Cookie: Well then, you've made quite the mistake challenging my kingdom first! You don't seem to know how powerful I truly am!

Avarius Cookie: Hmph. Then I'll show you the power my creators have given me...

The battle between Avarius & Golden Cheese Cookie begins, the two charging in and clashing heads. The two battle whilst flying around the kingdom, Avarius Cookie beings able to hover and levitate freely unlike Golden Cheese, who has wings.

When one of his followers try to intervene and help, Avarius Cookie barks at them to stay out of it, and continue their duties, as this is his battle. Golden Cheese Cookie throws a spear that grazes Avarius Cookie's face, causing him to bleed. He retaliates, sending a spin-kick, that sends her crashing through a building...

"(Dammit... it's like he's learning as he fights...!)"

...Golden Cheese Cookie says in her mind, stunned that they are able to keep up with her, and even starting to counter and dodge her attacks. Just how strong was thiw being...? She then flies high into the sky, charging in her hands a extra-powerful spear, which begins to glow a bright yellow. Avarius Cookie stands below, charging in his hands a blast too.

As if on que, the two launch their attacks. Surprisingly and unfortunately, Avarius Cookie's blast overcomes her spear, and hits Golden Cheese Cookie, exploding on impact. She falls down to the ground, unconscious and blacked out. Avarius Cookie smirks, crouching down at the unconscious body.

"Hmph. So much for the Golden Empress. I see some rust in her skills of combat... heheheh."

His three followers rush over to him

Matcha Cookie: My leige..! You did it!

Affogato Cookie: Now.. we have completed our first objective. What is next.. my l-

Avarius Cookie cuts him off, saying that they'll head back to the abandoned castle, and await the other ancient heroes to see if they come for them. After saying that, he hoists the unconscious Empress up on his shoulders, leaving the Golden Kingdom in partial ruins, fires crackling and raging...

At the gates... Burnt Cheese Cookie, still mostly unconscious, can barely open his eyes, but sees the 4 leaving, with the queen on Avarius Cookie's shoulder. He can't do much though, as his fatigue only causes him to fade back into the inky blackness of unconsciousness...

Cookie Run: Kingdom - The Avarius Being Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя