Chapter 12: Have you heard?

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~The next week, as the class was having their casual morning conversations~

Huggins: *She clapped her hands together* "If I could have your attention please."

~The class became enveloped in a strange silence, all of their heads turned in the same directions.~

Huggins: "After a shocking turn of events, our class president has chosen to hand his position to someone else. If we could please have Mr. Grey join me up at the front of the class?"

Harper: *He stiffly rose, and walked to the front of the classroom. He then turned to face the class, standing straight up. He was obviously confused, and nervous. The students could see he was quivering slightly.* "Y- yes ma'am?"

Huggins: "Wouldn't you like to be our class president?" *She turned to face him with a dead calm smile that seemed to say "I refuse to go through another scolding from the principal. I'll tear you limb from limb if you say no"*

Harper: *He stood up straighter and practically shouted* "Y-YES MA'AM!"

Huggins: "That's good!" *She beamed*

~After a moment of silence, the students looked amongst each other and seemed to agree that the teacher bullied Harper into saying yes.~

Huggins: "Well, that wraps up homeroom for now. You have five minutes until lunch. Spend that time wisely, and by wisely I mean do anything but give me a headache!" *She marched over to her desk and began scribbling away at something*

Harper: *He walked toward Kai's desk, who was currently caught up in some sort of drawing* "May I ask, what the hell were you thinking when you gave up your position?"

Kai: *He looked up, he was snacking on some jerky* "Well, after watching you the other day... I just figured you were more capable of keeping a situation under control."

Harper: *He wanted to protest, then thought better of it and sighed before looking over Kai's shoulder at his notebook, trying to get a good view* "What are you drawing there?"

Kai: "Oh! It's some suit mods I've been designing." *He moved slightly so Harper could see* "I didn't get to submit my request form earlier since, well, you know."

~Upon closer inspection, Harper could determine one thing and one thing alone. Kai should never draw again. The image was so bad it seemed to censor itself. This unfortunate excuse for art caused Harper to have the slightest of doubt in his classmate's capabilities as a future hero.~

Harper: *He cleared his throat* "You should probably focus more on being a hero than an artist."

Kai: *He sighed and nodded* "Yeah, I know..."

Amy: *She grabbed the notebook and observed* "Dude, this shit is atrocious..."

Kai: *He slumped in his seat* "I know...You don't have to rub it in."

Amy: *She handed her classmate's notebook back and sat on his desk* "Anyways, have you heard? Every year, the school takes each grade to some famous city in the country?"

Harper: *He nodded* "Last year, My older sister got to go to New Vegas. If we go this year, where do you think we'll go?"

Amy: "I wanna go to Castle City!" *She pumped her fist into the air* "I heard they have a moving castle that roams around the outskirts of the city!"

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