Chapter 2- The Three Musketeers Appear!

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~The day progressed as usual, from History to Physics, to Mathematics. Until finally, homeroom came around for the third and final time for the day~

Huggins: *turning to face the class, she made a gesture from the students to the door* "Today, we have a treat for all of you, two transfer students will be joining us for the rest of the school year. One being from S-Class, the other from the Support Course. Please give a warm welcome to Kyoge Zamura and Mikate Adams. "

~the class clapped, not whole heartedly, but clapped nonetheless~

Kai: *he sat up, confused.* "Eh?" *He focused on Kyoge, "Isn't that the guy I met earlier?" he thought.*

Huggins: "Boys, please introduce yourselves while I find a place for you to sit"

Mikate: "Good morning everyone, I hope everyone has had a good year so far but I don't wanna ruin the old vibe for the class I'm gonna go ahead and sit down" *He was held back by the teacher for a moment.*

Kai: *He looked at the other one, "His first name suggests that he's foreign, I think... His last name fits this region though..." at least that is what he thought. Still though, that boy was acting kind of odd.*

Huggins: "You'll be sitting in front of the girl sitting to the right of that boy with the red hair. Kai, raise your hand please"

Kai: *He slowly raised his hand in response* "Right here..."

Kyoge: "Kyoge Zamura. A pleasure to meet you all."

Huggins: *she pointed to the empty seat in front of Kai, and next to Mikate* "You'll be sitting next to each other for now, okay?"

Mikate: "That's fine with me.'' *Mikate leaned over toward Kyoge.* "Oh yeah also since we're going to be like, close buddies and all, if it's hard to say my name you can call me Mika."

Kai: *he looked over, with a raised eyebrow, then looked back toward the front of the class. He was glad that we had some more people. He was starting to feel lonely.*

Mikate: *He turned to face Kai* "Psst, hey. Can I ask you a question? *He didn't give Kai time to answer that before he continued on* "I was in B-Class before they transferred me into A-Class. I don't really get this whole Ranking System."

Kai: *He took a second to gather his thoughts before nodding* "The ranking system is, ah, well, I'm pretty sure it's based on the capabilities of an individual. You have ranks S through D. Each grade has its own hierarchy. *He made a circle with one of his index fingers.* "How it would work is D-Class is always the lowest of a grade while S-Class is the highest. For example, for the freshman grade the highest is S-Class, but D-Class of the Sophomores is higher than them. It'd continue where S-Class of the Sophomores is underneath D-Class of the Juniors. The highest is the S-Class of the Seniors."

Mikate: "Oooooh. That makes a little bit more sense, I guess." *He returned to his original position in his seat*

???: *a young girl with amber coloured hair raised her hand* "So, are we going to be doing today's course assignment or...."

Huggins: *She nodded and clapped her hands together* "Thank you for reminding me! Today's training exercise! Students, if you would, please head down to the Tech Wing to collect your suits, then meet me at the D route Bus-Station."

~the class got up to collect their suits from the tech wing~

~on the way there...~

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