Chapter 10: Meet the Class!

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~Later on in the day, in the Medical Bay. Kai and Kyoge were currently recovering~

Tyson: *He grunted, sitting in the room with them.* "The name's Tyson, Tyson Brasser." *He pointed at Kai and grunted again* "You with the red hair, Fight me!"

Amy: *She hit him upside the head* "We told you already, he needs to heal first, you idiot!"


Amy: *She threw her hands up into the air out of frustration* "What's up with everybody trying to burn the hell out of me?!"

Mikate: "It's the witch trials!" *He chimed gleefully.*

Kai: "I saw you earlier. You were the guy with the blue flames right? If you've got a power that strong, why do you wanna fight me so badly? It's not like I have much to offer against you..." *He looked at Tyson with a confused expression.*

Tyson: "Because, your power looked strong! It went shwam boom kapow!"

~After a moment of silence, the four students looked at Tyson and had the same thought. "What?"~

Kyoge: "Uh, speak english?"

Tyson: *He made violent punching motions* "You know, those superpowered punches that wrecked the entire building! Turned it to shreds! How you just broke through all that ice within seconds!" *He stood up, excited* "If I beat you, then I'll be able to destroy buildings with a flick of my fingers too!"

Kai: *He sighed and face palmed himself.* "I don't think that's how this works..."

Amy: "Just let 'em have it. You'd never know what's going on in another person's mind." *She cleared her throat* "Well, I believe that me and Tyson here should be getting home now. It is pretty late." *She looked at the students who were still healing some.* "Enjoy your little sleepover!" *She turned and left the room, starting down the hall at high speeds.*

Mikate: *He stood up and stretched* "I should be going too, I'm working on this super sick sword I wanna show you guys!" *He left the room as well*

Tyson: "Mark my words Future, I will defeat you in combat! And when I do, THEN EVERYBODY WILL BE FORCED TO RECOGNIZE MY SUPERIORITY!!" *He laughed triumphantly as he left the room.*

Kyoge: "Well, he's got some personality."

~A few days later, after everyone had fully recovered... Something more interesting was happening.~

Huggins: "All right, I know some of you are already well acquainted with each other after our eventful set of trials the other day, but not all of you actually know each other's names. So, we'll be doing class introductions!"

Mikate: *He sat up, ecstatic* "Oh boy! I wonder what kind of names I'll come across!"

Kai: *"What is he going on about?" he thought to himself.* "Uh, it isn't that important-"

Huggins: "Oh, before I forget..." *She clapped her hands together and slowly pulled them apart. A pen, that wasn't there before, was suddenly in her left hand.* "...After this, you'll be voting on who becomes your class representative!"

~Kyoge, Amy, Mikate, and Kai all had one shared thought. 'you're kidding...'~

Huggins: "Alright, I'll be stepping aside, calling you by your grade from the other day's trial, from lowest to highest. You are to tell everybody your first and last name, and why you'd like to be class representative. Okay, first, Cole."

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