Chapter 11: Time to Vote!

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~The students were all given little notecards and wrote the names of the people they voted for and then folded them in half. As the ballots were collected, hushed murmurs circulated through the class.~

Charlotte: *She silently hyped herself up* "The class will most definitely pick me to be their representative! I mean, it is only natural-" *She was struck by another flying eraser* "O- Ow?!?! Again!?!" *She turned around to face Amy, who only shrugged and gave a sly smile in response*

Amy: "I mean, you'd get votes..." *She rolled her eyes after looking her up and down.* "Yeah, that part is obvious. The first thing you did when you got up there was flaunt your huge-" *She was abruptly cut off*

Kyoge: *He quickly cut into the conversation* "Okay, she used her 'charms' to persuade a good majority of the class. You don't need to specify that though. I wouldn't be so focused on poking fun at her, especially after seeing red-hair's speech, and how the class stirred particularly off of his speech rather than the argument at the end, I'd say he got some solid points in."

Mikate: *His head loomed over Kyoge's shoulder* "Hey, what about me? Did you think I did good?"

Kyoge: *He snickered* "Yours was incredibly good, it definitely topped my speech-" *He too, was struck by an eraser. How many did this fiend have?"

Amy: "Oh don't be such a sour puss. It's not like you are destined for eternal greatness and this is hindering your progress. Wouldn't you agree, Kai?" *She turned to face their friend, only to see him covering his face with his hands and muttering something incredibly fast* "Uh, dude-"

Kai: *He continued to mutter* "I mean I don't think I'll even stand a chance of becoming class representative, especially considering how badly it ended. Even if I do get voted in, am I even qualified for the job? What if I turn the class into a laughing stock? Why did I even go up there and start talking? Don't worry about making the class look like a fool, I made myself look like a fool among my own peers!"

Amy: *she frowned* "Uh dude, it isn't that serious-"

Kai: *He perked up with a sharp inhale of air and a bright smile.* "I got this!"

Kyoge, Amy, and Mikate: *They looked at each other and shared a single thought, "He doesn't got this."*

Kai: *He slightly shivered* "I feel like I'm being judged somewhere, by multiple people."

Kyoge: "What, you got a sixth sense now?"

Huggins: *She clapped her hands, bringing the class to an abrupt hush* "The results... are in..." *She wobbled to the center of the front of the class* "So much counting, I need a coffee. Alright, we'll start with the coffee President- I mean Vice President. With 9 votes, Coffee- I mean Charlotte Adele was chosen by you students. Please come to the front." *She had to shake off her exhaustion*

Charlotte: *She stood, and proudly walked to the front of the room* "Aha! I am- Wait, if I got second, who could possibly get first?"

Huggins: *She scratched the back of her head as she stared at her clipboard* "With all honesty, I could see how he got his votes, sort of. The only guy to make a proper speech, even if it did end in a squabble among other students. It was still strong enough to make them react. Kai, if you would be so kind as to join us as our Class President."

Kai: *At that moment, he regretted even introducing himself in the first place. He walked up to the front of the class, and life seemed to have drained out of him.*

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