68. Everything Happening

Start from the beginning

The game was only for shifters over fifteen years old. Allesia, the fourteen-year-old, watched and laughed with them.

It seemed like if you got to hit your opponent with the rock, you earned extra points, and they laughed when they got hit like they enjoyed getting bruises thanks to the pebble. Teenagers will be teenagers, I suppose.

The rest of the kids were playing around and getting to know Brax. Brax was a bit intimidated due to the disadvantage, but with a little push here and there, he opened up. I enjoyed so much watching my little dude flourishing.

Of course, it will take some more meetings for the kids to develop more of a bond but we were getting there.

Then, it was time for my sibling to meet my family and home. It went well, thankfully. Bianca was in awe with the palace, admiring everything and comparing it to the stories she would read. Julio, as an architect, was admiring every corner of the place, in awe of the design and art crafted into the doors and corners. He almost flipped when he noticed the golden handle of the main dining room, asking if it was real gold.

I think he chewed it when no one was watching...

Anna stayed behind with me, looking over Brax while he giggled at the odd behavior of his aunt and uncle, asking if his uncle was okay when he was admiring a door handle up close.

Anna had tears in her eyes. She started going on about how excited she was to have one of her sisters to share about motherhood. She could tell I was happy with how my life turned out and that she was proud of me and that I had something good going on here.

We talked about my in-laws. Julio and Anna would test the subject with them, and see their reaction, and even if they weren't in it, Julio and Anna would still be coming by to visit. And I said I would be happy to go there and have dinner with their partners with Phoenix.

We decided not to bring their kids into this, so they wouldn't be coming to the wedding and that's okay. We'll approach the subject again once their kids are older.

Then we got lunch together and it happened the same way as with my dad. They asked what everything was while they ate. Bianca would bite into something, and if she didn't like it, would drop into Julio's plate, who would just roll his eyes and eat it.

Sometimes, when it was just the four of us, Julio was like the father of all of us, even if Anna was two years older than him. Sometimes he would hover over Bianca because she tended to be more childish, which I loved. After all, it was refreshing.

I didn't think I would enjoy watching my siblings interacting with Brax, yet now I couldn't stop observing them. They would pretend to be fighting over Brax's attention and he would giggle at them. He insisted that there was enough Brax's for everyone, but I knew he enjoyed watching their uncle and aunts vying for his attention.

That night I lowered a smiling Brax onto his bed, and he started telling me his experiences with my siblings, it filled my heart with joy. Brax's world and inner circle was growing. He started only having Edith, Cassian and Carmen, but now more cousins, uncles and aunts have entered his life, and it was like his aura was shining brighter and brighter every day.

All I've ever wanted was for Brax to feel loved and cared for, and he was having just that and more.

Now our wedding was one week away, and two weeks later would be my coronation as the Kingdom's Queen, and short of a week after, I'd be shifting for a month to get ready to lay my egg.

Everything was happening too fast it had my head spinning, but things were just falling into place. Having Phoenix's siblings arrive was something we didn't foresee, and neither did we plan to interact with my family, but it was necessary and these changes were welcome.

Now, my stomach looked like one of five months, and Phoenix and Brax loved it. Phoenix couldn't seem to stop touching it, kissing it, and laying his ear on it, listening to our baby's heartbeat.

I listen to the heavy steps of my mate behind me, and I stay still by the window, watching his reflection approaching. As usual, his hands surround me, landing spread on my naked stomach, caressing it.

"How is my mate and our baby?" his raspy voice whispered in my ear, and a shiver ran down my spine.

I put my hands over his and lean back onto his hard chest.

"A bit needy," I murmured, closing my eyes, and enjoying his closeness.

"Mhmm..." he grumbled, his nose running down my cheek and then my neck. "That can be fixed."

His low and deep voice had my lower stomach tightening, and I could feel my fold starting to leak.

He took my hands, putting them on the window, making me lean over, and then he moved my hips, spreading my legs after taking my underwear down, giving them a sniff which had me moaning lowly.

"Phoenix," I breathed, pleading.

"I'm gonna eat you now," he growled, lowering to his knee, and I cried when his hot mouth wrapped around my pussy, sucking and licking like a hungry man. I groan and moan, my heavy breath misting the window in front of me.

Phoenix used his fingers to open me up so his tongue could reach deeper. I bucked my hips, grunting and moaning my pleasure. I felt my legs shake at the intensity, and I felt my orgasm getting closer.

Then Phoenix plunged a finger into my ass, twisting it, and that was the end of me. I cried out my release, moving my hips against Phoenix's face while he drank me up.

I hung my head, breathing heavily.

"Damn it, Phoenix."

He breathed out a laugh and stood up behind me, massaging my sensitive breast.

"I fucking love when you come inside my mouth."

His statement had me biting down my lower lip.

Fuck, my mate was so fucking hot.

Before anyone could say anything else, the orb that once was my phone, started sounding and shaking. I was still trying to catch my breath so Phoenix answered, his face sobering up while he listened to what the other person was saying, who probably was my dad.

He turned the orb off and turned away, growling.

"What is it?" I asked, going to him with shaky legs.

"It's your mother. She wants to meet so she can apologize," he replied and I swallowed.

What a way to ruin the mood.


I'm so sorry it took me so long to update! I've been bad... I haven't written much lately and that's my fault. I hadn't edited the chapter so that's why I didn't post it earlier.

Last Thursday was my first day at my new job and yeah... Waking up every weekday for a person who is not an early bird is torture lol

But whatever, they could only offer me part-time so I took it. It is my first "conventional" job so yeah. Now I have to wait 25 more days for my pay, and then 30 more... Lol, welcome to the real world haha.

But it is needed. I have to build up my savings so I can start the road I want because being a writer is not cheap so yeah.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and just so you know, I'm 24🙃 will be 25 in 19 days and don't wanna :(

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