Let the Battle Commence

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Malachi stepped out into the arena, summoning his most powerful allies by his side, protected by his energy, Pemblewink emerged from a smokey wall of magic as he started to feel fearful admist the chaos, the air moving around him like ghosts dancing on the wind. The silence was suffocating. The students and professors, frozen in disbelief, gazed upon him with wide eyes, mouths agape. Some whispered his name in disbelief, while others dared not to breathe, fearing he may hear them.

In his arms, Malachi carried the lifeless body of Syber Embervert, once vibrant with smiles and jokes, now limp and motionless. The sight sent shockwaves through the gathered crowd, a collective gasp escaping their lips as realization dawned upon them.

"Oh what have you done Malachi..you have sealed our fates today..." Pemblewink starts to back away from Malachi trying to find a way out of the barrier he's created.

Mrs. Perrifold stood at the forefront, her eyes locked on Syber's lifeless form, tears streaming down her cheeks like silent rivers of grief. The weight of loss hung heavy in the air, palpable and suffocating. For the professors who had known Syber, their expressions mirrored Mrs. Perrifold's sorrow, mixed with a deep-seated anger at the injustice of his untimely demise.

Professor Veilstorm and Quasar made their way through the crowd of stunned students, their hearts pounded in unison, each step heavier than the last. The sight of Syber's lifeless body lying motionless in the arms of Malachi sent waves of anguish through their souls, threatening to shatter their resolve.

"Oh Syber...." Professor Veilstorm's voice cracked with emotion, her hands trembling as she holds onto herself, She steps forward with her wand extended only to be stopped by Quasar's firm grip on her arm.

"No, Veil, you can't..." Quasar's voice was barely a whisper, choked with sorrow as he struggled to hold back his own tears. But his efforts were futile, for the pain etched upon his face betrayed the depths of his despair. Quasar looks from her up towards Malachi and closes his eyes, breathing deeply as a display of moving images forms all around him showing him the events that unfolded inside the dungeon.

Professor Veilstorm turned to Quasar, her eyes pleading for solace amidst the overwhelming grief. "But he was... he was like a father to me, Quasar. Please we got to avenge him!"

Quasar's own heart ached at the anguish in her voice, his own grief mirrored in her tear-streaked face. "We can't act on vengeance. You know that is futile and stupid. We have to do this the correct way of being killed." he murmured, his voice barely audible over the din of sorrow that filled the air.

Together, they stood in silent anguish, their souls intertwined in a web of sorrow and despair. And as they gazed upon Syber's lifeless form, their hearts shattered into a million pieces, forever changed by the loss of one they held dear.

But amidst the despair, Mrs. Perrifold still pushed on and found a glimmer of courage fueled by her grief. With trembling limbs and a heart heavy with sorrow, she took a step forward, her determination cutting through the thick atmosphere like a blade. Each step brought her closer to Malachi, closer to the truth behind Syber's death.

Malachi, aware of her approach, intensified the barrier around him, a powerful force field fueled by his own dark energy. But Mrs. Perrifold, driven by her emotions, pressed on, her tears turning into a reservoir of strength. As she neared him, Malachi's power surged, sending waves of unfamiliar sensations coursing through her veins.

The intensity of Malachi's power was overwhelming, unlike anything Mrs. Perrifold had ever experienced. It was a symphony of emotions, a cacophony of pain and despair that threatened to consume her. Yet, with every step, she drew nearer, her resolve unwavering in the face of adversity.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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