The Journey Begins

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Anne's ears rang loudly as she walked slower through the curtain of fog, Anne found herself ensnared in the harrowing grip of pain that she didn't want to admit to herself comforted her in a scary way. She stood in an endless hall of dusty mirrors, shattered by age, their frames adorned with twisted gargoyle faces that seemed to mock her presence. The air was thick with a mist so dense it obscured her vision, leaving her unable to see beyond a few steps ahead.

In the swell of air and mouldy water, that clung to her nostrils, Anne could hear distant laughter and the melancholic sigh of a foreboding wind. The whispers seemed to beckon and taunt her, their voices a chilling blend of nature's lament and an unseen malevolent force. They seemed to originate from all around her, enveloping her in a disorienting symphony of darkness.

"Anne," the whispers hissed, "you can't save him."

Desperation clawed at her heart as she sought her brother, screaming out to him in the monochrome of the mirrors "RILEY!" While the shift of the movement between the mist and the mirrors dodged and bent she felt the need to cower as her ears continued to ring.

The endless mirrors reflected her brother's distorted, ghostly image, and in each reflection, she saw the same despair etched onto her own face. With every step, the metallic thorns on the silvery vines creeped across the edges of these mirrors scraping against her skin, adding to her growing sense of dread.

Riley's voice, barely audible, seemed to drift from behind one of the mirrors, beckoning Anne to follow. Her pulse quickened, and she rushed towards the source of his voice, her breaths shallow and strained.

But as she reached out to touch the mirror's surface, Riley's reflection wavered, as if he was fading into the black of an endless night. In here he was trapped within the very mirrors that surrounded her, a prisoner of their cruel enchantment.

She pressed her hands against the glass, her fingers sinking into an icy abyss, but she couldn't reach him. The mirrors taunted her, revealing fractured glimpses of her brother that flickered and faded, like ghostly memories slipping through her fingers.

In this very moment Anne lashed out. Her rage honed in on the rippling reflective pool of the surface of the mirror. Her wailing turned into screams of hate. Energy flowed through her entire body, pulsating like a heartbeat from the the core of her solar plexus out through the tips of her fingers. Her nails growing into beastly talons.

Riley's distant voice called out to her, but it seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere, a maddening echo that reverberated through the hall.

"Anne," he whispered, "you are me."

The words hung in the air like a heavy shroud, chilling her to the core. The malevolence of this place seemed to intensify as she realized the inescapable truth within those haunting words.

With a jolt and a pain in her side, Anne awoke, drenched in sweat and she had to touch her face, why were there tears on her cheeks she thought? Her heart was still pounding.

The echoes of the dream still clung to her, leaving her trembling under the bed covers, her brother's name on her lips as she grappled with the overwhelming fear of losing him to forces both seen and unseen.

Her heart was still racing from the remnants of the vivid nightmare. The room was cloaked in shadows, and she struggled to shake off the lingering fear that clung to her like a ghostly veil. As she sat up, she noticed an eerie silhouette outside her window- that seemed to dance with an otherworldly energy.

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