Refuge of the Beasts

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As Anne and Riley ventured closer towards the source of the unknown they notice that further on ahead literally hopping down the steps two at a time was their new friend Nella as Professor Veilstorm tried to stop her from jumping encase she fell, her silvery hair shimmered in the dappled rays of the moonlight. Noticing her going out of sight, behind her revealed a breathtaking sight as the oasis opened up into an underground chamber. The deafening sound reverberated all around them, filling the air with an otherworldly melody that seemed to pulse with life.

Descending further downward, they were met with an unfolding oasis unlike anything they had ever seen before. The air was different here, tinged with a smell of sweet fruit that tickled their senses and left them feeling invigorated. The surroundings seemed to shimmer with an etheral glow, casting everything in a soft, iridescent light from the moons rays.

Before them lay a utopia that could only be imagined in dreams. Trees encased in prismatic diamonds in the hues of metallic silver stretched towards the heavens with orb shaped fruits that clung tightly to each branch. Gently they swayed in a soft breeze as they giggled like jellyfish under the aura of stars.

As they explored further, they discovered that everything in this hidden garden was colored differently than the world above. The foliage seemed to pulse rainbow colours its leaves shimmering with hues of mercury and the cosmos. Flowers bloomed in shades of amethyst and topaz, their petals soft to the touch.

But it was not just the colors that were out of the ordinary. The very essence of this place seemed to be infused with crystal as if the very air they walked through burst with gemstones. Anne and Riley could feel it coursing through their veins, filling them with a sense of wonder and awe.

As they continued to explore, they realized that this hidden oasis was settled almost underground, nestled beneath the earth's surface in a secret realm all its own. Here, amidst the beauty of this enchanted garden, they knew that they had stumbled upon something truly extraordinary. And as they gazed out at the surreal landscape before them, they felt a sense of peace wash over them, knowing that they had discovered a place of true beauty and wonder hidden away from the world above.
Deep within the depths of an underground cavern, nestled beneath the earth's surface, lay a vast garden of unparalleled beauty. As Anne and Riley stepped into the chamber, they were met with a breathtaking sight that took their breath away.

Above them, waterfalls cascaded from unseen heights, their crystalline streams shimmering in the dim light of the cavern. But instead of flowing into the chamber, the waterfalls formed a shimmering curtain that enveloped the garden of silver like a transparent globe, casting the entire space in a mesmerising glow.

As Anne and Riley ventured deeper into the enchanted garden, their eyes were drawn to a collection of fantastical beasts hidden within the shadows cast by the towering trees. These creatures, with tree branches for antlers atop their heads, exuded an ethereal glow that seemed to emanate from within.

Their forms were majestic yet otherworldly, with large, luminous eyes that peered out from beneath the cover of the foliage. Despite their smaller stature, they possessed a quiet dignity and grace, their movements fluid and deliberate as they shifted nervously behind the trees.

Upon closer inspection, Anne and Riley noticed that nestled between the creatures' ears were tiny nests, each cradling a delicate egg within its confines. It was a sight both peculiar and mesmerizing, a testament to the mysterious nature of the garden and its inhabitants.

As they watched, Lily approached from behind, her voice soft yet filled with excitement. "Oh wow! Those are the Luminara," she explained, her eyes alight with wonder. "They are guardians of the skyline, tasked with protecting the eggs of the most endangered bird creature. Sadly sought after by bandits and poached as a delicacy in the market. Going for around 1,000 caster coins per batch. Apparently they taste good but I would hate to even think what they do to them. These guys are only ever seen under the full moon"

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